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Buffalo River Watershed Alliance

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Pot Luck & Informtional Gathering

  • 21 Feb 2014
  • Berryville
  Friday, Feb. 21st 5:30- ?? Lin Wellford and Glenda Allison will host a pot luck supper and informational gathering to discuss the current issue threatening water quality on the Buffalo River, and to plan possible actions.  Mike Kelly will show his video. We will have a selection of letters addressed to the AR Pollution Control Commission requesting that they take action on rising demands to close the CAFO. Bring a dish and BYOB.
2835 Hwy 221 So. Berryville, 72616 This is 3 ½ miles from Berryville on 221 So.  From 62 turn across from Davis Fina (Now called Danny's Tire) and next to the branch bank of 1st. National Bank of Green Forest, This is Carl Ave. Turn left at next two stop signs as you wind out of the residential area, then head out of town. Cross the bridge at the Osage and it is1 ½ miles farther. You will come up a steep hill, with a house on the left and just beyond is a green mailbox with Allison and 2835 on it. The driveway is across from the mailbox, turn left, go down the driveway, you will see the shop building on the right.   Phone 870 480-8644 if you need help.
I'll put a sign up on the hwy. so it should be easy to spot.
If you can't be there right at 5:30 just come when you can. We will plan on a social time before the meal.

Buffalo River Watershed Alliance is a non profit 501(c)(3) organization

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