Buffalo River Watershed Alliance |
EA- Environmental Assessment Part of NEPA requirements it briefly provides sufficient evidence and analysis for determining whether to prepare an EIS If a Finding of No Significant Impact (see FONSI) is determined and EIS may not be required.
EIS- Environmental Impact Statement. Provides a discussion of significant environmental impacts and reasonable alternatives (including a No Action alternative) which would avoid or minimize adverse impacts or enhance the quality of the human environment. More extensive than an EA.
EPA- Environmental Protection Agency
FONSI- Finding of No Significant Impact public documents issued by a Federal agency briefly presenting the reasons why an action for which the agency has prepared an environmental assessment will not have a significant effect on the human environment and, therefore, will not require preparation of an environmental impact statement.
FSA- Farm Service Agency (part of USDA)
IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. (NASDAQ: IDXX) is an American multinational corporation engaged in the development, manufacture, and distribution of products and services for the companion animal veterinary, livestock and poultry, water testing, and dairy markets. Incorporated in 1983 and headquartered in Westbrook, Maine
KHBNR- Karst Hydrogeology of the Buffalo National River project. This is an independent research project designed to assess and document the water quality of surface and ground water as it flows across and through karst to the Buffalo National River. Learn more here.
NEPA- National Environmental Policy Act requires Federal agencies to consider environmental effects that include, among others, impacts on social, cultural, and economic resources, as well as natural resources.
NMP - Nutrient Management Plan provides a comprehensive description of a permitee's facilities and plan for handling all waste produced. This extensive and detailed document describes the terms of the permit and includes building and facility drawings, maps, soil and manure test results, phosphorus index spreadsheets, etc.
NOI- Notice of Intent provides a brief summary of the NMP including owners name and address, number of animals, amount of waste produced, application methods, etc.
P RCN Phosphorus Sustainability Research Coordination NetworkStakeholders and scientists get together at conferences and “the feedback P RCN receives from the stakeholder event is used by the RCN shaping the direction of research.
RUSLE - Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation. Online tool for soil erosion assessment and conservation planning.
SBA- Small Business Administration. The U.S. Small Business Administration is an independent agency of the federal government to aid, counsel, assist and protect the interests of small business concerns.
STP – Soil Test Phosphorus
SERA-17 Southern Extension/Research Activity - Information Exchange Group (SERA-IEG) 17
TMDL - A total maximum daily load (TMDL) is the maximum amount of a specific pollutant that can be assimilated by a stream without causing impairment or violating water quality standards. The allowable amount takes into account all sources of that pollutant in a watershed, including point sources and non-point sources, and requires a portion to be set aside as a margin of safety.