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Buffalo River Watershed Alliance

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Donate to the BRWA

The Buffalo River Watershed Alliance was created in the winter of 2013 in order to halt completion of C & H Hog Farm, located adjacent to Big Creek, a major tributary of the Buffalo National River.  Unfortunately, this 6,500 animal factory farm was approved without public notice or public comment. The good news is that, thanks to seven years of dogged   efforts of those who care deeply for the Buffalo, including a $6.2 million buyout brokered by Governor Asa Hutchinson, C&H permanently ceased operations in January, 2020. However, our work is not over and BRWA continues to strive for permanent protection of the Buffalo.

Your donation is used for our legal fund as well as for advocacy and education of the public and legislators and decision makers regarding the potential environmental and public health risks posed by CAFOs in the Buffalo National River watershed and to promote practices which will lead to improvement of the water quality of the river.

Contribute below and become a part of this important campaign.   If you prefer to pay by check, make it payable to Buffalo River Watershed Alliance and mail to BRWA, P.O. Box 101, Jasper, AR 72641.

BRWA is an all-volunteer organization. Your participation and your financial support make everything possible.  Thank you in advance for your contribution.

The Buffalo River Watershed Alliance is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, charitable organization. Your gift is tax deductible.

If you would like your contribution to be anonymous (no public recognition), please note this under “add special instructions” in the Purpose box when you review your Paypal donation entry.   We want to respect your wishes.


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Buffalo River Watershed Alliance is a non profit 501(c)(3) organization

Copyright @ 2019

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