Buffalo River Watershed Alliance
Note: The time for this meeting has been changed to 9 am - 12 noon.
As described in the following letter, BRWA has been invited to participate in these meetings and will have a representative present. The public is also encouraged to attend and observe.
"The Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) is initiating its review of the Assessment Methodology used in developing the 2018 Impaired Waterbodies List (303(d) List). We are seeking one representative from your organization to participate in a series of stakeholder workgroup meetings to discuss the previous methodology and make recommendations for this review process. The stakeholder workgroup will also consider public input received during a recently completed public listening phase, relevant public comments received during development of the 2016 303(d) List, and input from ADEQ.
Four stakeholder workgroup meetings are currently scheduled for December and January. Meetings will be held in the Commission Room at ADEQ headquarters in North Little Rock. The first meeting is scheduled for Thursday, December 1, 2016, from 9 am to 12 pm
Participants should be prepared to actively engage in the review process and should possess a broad range of knowledge of water-quality-related issues. Ideally, they will have a strong working knowledge of Arkansas’s water quality standards, assessment methodology, and impaired waterbodies list. Participants should be able to attend all workgroup meetings as each will cover different topics.
Although your organization is limited to one representative for the workgroup, additional representatives are encouraged to attend to observe the workgroup meetings which will be open to the public. Also, any member of the public is welcome to raise questions or provide input at the meeting through any participating workgroup member.
Thank you for your willingness to assist us with this extremely important endeavor in protecting the waters of the State of Arkansas. "
Buffalo River Watershed Alliance is a non profit 501(c)(3) organization
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