Buffalo River Watershed Alliance
Join us (Ginny Masullo, Cindy Parry, & Jan VanSchuyver). We're singing for the Buffalo and against the confinement of hogs anywhere. You don't have to be a singer. You just have to care and be ready to have fun with a bunch of folks singing our simple, easy, funny song. (words are below) Please forward this invite to anyone you think might be interested. The more, the merrier!!! First practice: Thursday, September 11, 7 p.m. at Ginny Masullo’s home, 1837 N. Rupple Road. Another practice will be set for October. And then we'll sing soon after that, on the steps of the Town Center and any other place we can think of. Theresa Turk will video us for a YouTube sensation. Sometimes humor is the best way to get the word out. If you have any questions or want to know more, contact Jan VanSchuyver (jvanschuyver@yahoo.com) or Ginny Masullo (masullo.ginny@gmail.com). It will be fun, empowering and one small thing we can all come together to do for this old blue planet. Here's the song: HOG FARM LAMENT (sing to the tune of “Oh My Darlin’ Clementine”) by Cindy Parry with a little help from her friends CHORUS (repeat after each verse): We love pigs and we love rivers But they should not be combined. Factory farming is alarming: Bad for rivers, bad for swine! VERSE ONE: As you paddle in your kayaks Down the Buffalo divine Might be thinkin’ could be stinkin’ Should the hogs remain confined. VERSE TWO: (sing this verse slowly and mournfully) Now we know that pigs are tasty. You’ve got pork chops on your mind. Before the bacon you’ll be makin’ Please make sure they’re treated kind. VERSE THREE: If a CAFO’s built near your home You’ll be stuck forevermore ‘Cause you can’t sell or drink from your well And you can’t go out your door! VERSE FOUR: Give 10 dollars, give a nickel, Give a penny, give a dimeundefined Anything you can contribute To the cause will be just fine.
Buffalo River Watershed Alliance is a non profit 501(c)(3) organization
Copyright @ 2019
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