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  • 25 Jul 2016 11:31 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Harrison Daily Times

    Standing on ‘holey’ ground; Hydrogeologist talks about the Buffalo River

    Posted: Sunday, July 24, 2016 7:00 am |

    By David HOLSTED |0 comments

    PONCA — For Dr. Van Brahana, nothing beats the smell of a good rock.

    “I sniff rocks,” he said, then in response to the giggles and chuckles around him, he added, “Not that way!”

    Brahana is a hydrogeologist and professor emeritus at the University of Arkansas. As a dedicated rock sniffer, there was no better place to indulge in his guilty pleasure than on a gravel bar along the Buffalo River.

    Brahana shared his passion for rocks, particularly the rocks of the Buffalo National River country, in a two-plus hour workshop (it was scheduled for two hours, but get Brahana started on geology and you might as well throw the clocks out the window) held at the Ponca Elk Education Center. Brahana then led a caravan of pebble pilgrims to the Steel Creek area of the Buffalo for some hands-on experience.

    The event was sponsored by the Ponca Elk Education Center, a Patagonia environmental grant and the Buffalo River Watershed Alliance.

    “I love this area,” Brahana said of the Buffalo River country. “I think it’s spectacular. We need to treat it with the utmost care.”

    The workshop dealt with the karst nature of the Buffalo River country. Millions of years ago, according to Brahana, northwest Arkansas lay at the bottom of a shallow ocean. Fossils called crinoids, or sea lilies, have been found in the area that support that claim, said Brahana. The crinoids are also called Indian beads, because the early inhabitants strung them together. Brahana had several examples of the ancient fossils, which he showed to his audience.

    Layers of sedimentary rocks, including limestone, chert, sandstone and shale were piled up.

    Brahana went on to say that the age of the rocks in the Buffalo National River range from 500 million to 290 million years.

    “They were modified into the glorious landscape we have today,”  he said.

    Though the Buffalo River lies 100 miles north of the Ouachita Mountains, the formation of that range played a vital role in the present character of the river. Brahana explained that almost 300 million years ago, the upward thrust of the Ouachita’s, fueled by thermal heat, also resulted in lifting the Buffalo River 500 to 600 feet above its original level. The movement also resulted in the fracture and tilting of rock layers in the Buffalo River country.

    Millions of years of natural weathering, along with chemical weathering (water soaking into rocks and combining with carbon dioxide to become acidic) have resulted in karstification, or the dissolution of limestone. It’s this karst quality, creating caves, sink holes and “Swiss cheese” openings that is characteristic of the Ozarks, according to Brahana.

    “I like to say it’s holey ground,” Brahana said. “The Buffalo River is holey.”

    It was this karst aspect that made the Ozarks particularly susceptible to pollution.

    “Even small sinkholes allow surface contamination to soak into the rocks,” Brahana said.

    Later, while on the banks of the river, Brahana continued to be the voice crying out in the Buffalo River Wilderness.

    “Let’s save it for the future, guys,” he said.

  • 23 Jul 2016 8:13 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    LR firm chosen to drill under pig farm's ponds

    The Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality this week selected a contractor for a drilling project on a hog farm in Newton County, Chief Deputy Director Julie Chapman said Friday.

    Harbor Environmental of Little Rock will conduct the study, which will drill to extract soil samples at C&H Hog Farms.

    C&H is permitted to hold up to 2,503 sows and 4,000 piglets, but it has been criticized for the entirety of its three-year existence by environmental and recreation groups concerned about its potential to pollute the Buffalo National River. The facility sits on Big Creek, about 6 miles from where the creek enters the Buffalo.

    Compensation for Harbor Environmental has not been determined, but department officials said last month that they had set aside $50,000 for the study and expected to spend between $20,000 and $30,000.

    The department selected the company after briefing hog-farm opponents at the Buffalo River Watershed Alliance about the process that would be used to select the company and the preliminary plans for the drilling, Chapman said.

    Harbor Environmental will study the integrity of the manure pond liners by extracting samples of the ground through drilling.

    Earlier this year, a contractor doing electroresistivity imaging for the Big Creek Research and Extension Team found what he believed to be higher-than-expected moisture levels below one of the ponds, which could indicate a leak. He said the problem could be addressed by drilling to discover what was causing the higher moisture levels or by installing plastic liners under the hog manure.

    C&H has received a permit to install plastic liners but has not installed them yet.

    Members of the Big Creek Research and Extension Team, which operates out of the University of Arkansas System's Division of Agriculture and will monitor C&H's effect on the environment for five years for the state, have said the findings did not alarm them because no other research conducted on the site has shown any patterns of pollution.

    Chapman also said Friday that the department would look further into what officials should regularly report to commissioners after a Pollution Control and Ecology commissioner, Wesley Stites, wondered why commissioners hadn't been given more immediate notice of a permit modification granted earlier this year to a relative of the C&H Hog Farms owners to apply manure from C&H on EC Farms property. The department issued the permit June 29 and listed it at the end of its agenda packet for Friday's commission meeting.

    Stites said he felt "blindsided."

    "I think the last thing the department can afford to do ... is give the appearance that we're attempting to ... avoid notice," Stites said, adding that part of what made C&H's original operational permit approval contentious was the feeling among members of the public that they were not properly notified of the permit application.

    Chapman said the department can do a better job of trying to anticipate what commissioners would be interested in.

    "We are open," she said. "We are trying to be transparent."

    The Buffalo River, the first national river, had 1.46 million visitors last year, the third-highest total since it became a national river and the highest since a record visitors count of 1.55 million was set in 2009. That year, visitors spent an estimated $62.2 million at local businesses, directly supporting 750 jobs and secondarily supporting 219 jobs.

    Metro on 07/23/2016

    Print Headline: LR firm chosen to drill under pig farm's ponds

  • 06 Jul 2016 8:10 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    NWA editorial: Testing the waters

    State plans more study of farm, impact on Buffalo

    By NWA Democrat-Gazette

    Posted: July 6, 2016 at 1 a.m.

    The canoeists angled for the bank as soon as they'd emerged from the fast-moving waters. Unlike some of the earlier adventures through the river's quicker-paced but shallow flows, this section held no threat form the unpleasantness of small, barely submerged rocks making that awful noise as it scraped along the vessel's hull.

    No, this boat-bobbling experience was caused by deeper and bigger boulders churning the quickening waters. Reaching the bank, the paddlers glanced back, quickly convinced the rest of their crew would also recognize the potential for refreshing excitement in this stretch of the Buffalo River. It was time for another break in a three-day journey downstream to the take-out at the old zinc-mining town of Rush.

    What’s the point?

    Further study of the threat of contamination from a hog farm near a tributary of the Buffalo River is vital to river’s long-term care.

    Before long, young and old(er) alike stretched their legs forward, buoyed by their life jackets in the cool, clear water. Positioned as if they reclined in a liquid La-Z-Boy, each adventurer cascaded downstream by the power of water, slow enough to maintain some control but fast enough to inspire delighted smiles in both the youngsters and the old goats.

    A roller coaster would be faster, but no more exhilarating than this moment in a true Arkansas natural, and national, treasure.

    Experiences like these are what inspire Arkansans' love affair with this beauty of a river as it flows more than 150 miles through the Ozarks toward the White River. They're also what under-gird concern over its future, intensified by the establishment more than three years ago of a large hog farm near a tributary that feeds into the Buffalo.

    The Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality issued a permit to C&H Hog Farms through a process that has, ever since, been criticized for its lack of transparency amid critics' questions about the damage hog waste would have on the river. No evidence, according to state-hired scientists, shows the large-scale hog operation is causing any pollution, but for many Arkansans the question is "why risk it?"

    If the argument is really one of Save the Buffalo vs. save the hogs, we know which side most Arkansans are likely to take. But the argument isn't so clear cut as advocates for the river might like to suggest. Backers of C&H have questioned whether scientific arguments by opponents are skewed by emotion, while anti-hog farm activists raise questions of whether state-hired scientists are biased.

    Even as they clash, those groups appeared to welcome the recent announcement by the Department of Environmental Quality that the agency will commission a study of clay liners the farm's hog manure storage ponds. Opponents of the farm have expressed concern the ponds are leaking.

    C&H ownership, apparently confident in its operations, has given the state agency permission to enter into a contract with an independent research team. Cost of the study is expected to be $20,000 to $30,000. Becky Keogh, director of the agency, promised an "open and transparent manner" of research to supplement existing research.

    All Arkansans who appreciate our Natural State should be watching to see what future findings show. As much as we respect the private property rights of every Arkansan, the Buffalo is the nation's first national river and it draws nearly million visitors a year. That accounts for millions of dollars in tourist spending that supports 750 jobs.

    Arkansas cannot afford to risk environmental damage to the Buffalo National River. But the hog farm's operation cannot be shuttered based on fear. It's got to be based on facts. We welcome new research to help establish facts about how well the hog farm operators are containing waste from the hog-raising operation.

    And whatever protections are necessary to protect the Buffalo River should be given top priority by Gov. Asa Hutchinson's administration. Surely no governor wants to go down in history as the one who lost the Buffalo.

    Commentary on 07/06/2016

  • 05 Jul 2016 8:25 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    Email timeline 

    Waste or clay?

    By Mike Masterson

    In March 2015, the University of Arkansas' Division of Agriculture's Big Creek Research and Extension Team retained Oklahoma State University geology professor and hydrologist Todd Halihan and associate Jon Fields to perform electrical resistivity imaging studies on waste spray fields used by owners of C&H Hog Farms at Mount Judea.

    The Big Creek team was formed under former Gov. Mike Beebe to monitor waste discharges from the swine factory located in the watershed of our country's first national river, the majestic Buffalo. The team's dual role was also to help this factory farm supported by Cargill Inc. of Minnesota become environmentally sustainable in the sensitive ecological area underlain by fractured limestone known as karst.

    I'm covering some previously trod ground here. Yet it's necessary to lay groundwork for the context of what follows.

    During the field studies, Halihan secured permission to perform scans beneath the two waste lagoons at the factory site. That's when he discovered a large plume of what appears to be waste leaking from one pond deep underground and a possible fracture through which he suspected hog waste was flowing.

    While it's unknown when Halihan delivered the results of his findings to the Big Creek team, it is known the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality (cough) and the Pollution Control and Ecology Commission say they were never told of Halihan's disturbing results until the Buffalo River Watershed Alliance disclosed them during a commission meeting in April.

    We also know the Big Creek team, headed by professor Andrew Sharpley, a professor with the University of Arkansas' Division of Agriculture, has continually said its members saw no reason to drill in the plume area Halihan suspected of fracture and leakage because his team believes it to be clay rather than waste. As of late last month, however, the state says a truth-revealing test well finally will be done (presumably into the relevant location of the suspicious plume) to determine the truth of what lies beneath: clay or hog waste.

    Whew! Now, to today's point.

    While I don't know precisely when the Big Creek team knew of Halihan's discovery of this possible major fracture, logic tells me it wasn't long after he'd completed and submitted the scans they'd contracted him to perform in March 2015.

    But the following email thread between members of the team and Sharp-ley leaves no doubt this tax-supported official monitor of protecting the Buffalo knew the results by mid-October 2015, eight months before the Department of Environmental Quality and the Pollution Control and Ecology Commission say the Watershed Alliance informed them.

    The exchanges all were sent on the morning of Oct. 16, 2015, and obtained by the alliance through Freedom of Information Act requests made to the U.S. Geological Service.

    Participants in the thread are UA Agriculture professor and extension engineer Karl VanDevender, Tim Kresse with the Geological Service, Phillip Hays with the UA Department of Geosciences, and Sharpley.

    From: Kresse, to Sharpley and others--Subject: Re: Fields-Halihan presentation: "I saw the presentation. There were no difficulties at all and it was a good presentation. I did chat with Todd and Jon some about the pond results, and Phil joined in on the second half of that conversation. We can chat about that sometime. In short, it would be nice to put a well on the west side in the vicinity of where Todd believed he saw a major fracture and movement of waste. This could be critical to resolving the interpretation of the resistivity data. Todd would be willing to assist on getting the drilling done for free. I just don't know the amount of grief or worry this would cause, in lieu of all the activity at the farm, but again I believe it is a critical component. Todd is fairly confident of his interpretation. Thoughts?"

    Response from VanDevender: "Would the new potable water well serve? I understand that is located west of ponds between barns."

    Response from Kresse to Sharpley and others: "Not really. I would imagine (or hope) that the zone we are concerned with would be cased off from the potable water. Cuttings would have helped some ..."

    Response from VanDevender to Sharpley and others: "... Where and how deep does the well need to be? All, do we need to schedule a phone/web conference to discuss?"

    Sharpley's response to all: "Sure, we can have a conference call next week. What ... works for most of you? ... Relatedly, though, I know Jason [Henson, C&H owner] is close to the limit of accommodating new requests for several reasons. And I certainly empathize with him."

    Kresse's response to Sharpley: "Thursday is fine for me. Phil and I did relate to Todd that Jason might be near the end of his tether on continued work near and around the pond. We can discuss all the reasons this would be of increased importance to the group (and Jason for that matter)."

    That's where the thread ended only to come to light after the alliance issued its Freedom of Information request that made it public.


    Mike Masterson's column appears regularly in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette. Email him at

    Editorial on 07/05/2016

  • 02 Jul 2016 1:29 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    What Lies Beneath?
    By BART ANDERS  JUN 16, 2016

    With its rolling hills, rivers and caves, the Ozarks is full of natural beauty. But the landscape does not come without risks. Dr. Van Brahana, a hydrogeologist and professor emeritus with the University of Arkansas, will lead a workshop at the Buffalo National River on the region’s surroundings.

    Brahana’s has held many seminars about the force, beauty and capability of karst areas and aquifers which comprise much of southwest Missouri and northwest Arkansas.

    “The main concern and the emphasis here is karst, which is rock that is easily dissolved by water that has picked up some carbon dioxide, so it is a weak acid,” he said. “The acid essentially dissolves or eats away the rock. First it creates small holes, Swiss cheese type patterns, and then ultimately it can create some very big conduits or features such as caves.”

    He said that in karst areas there are sinkholes, sinking creeks and streams. His concern is mainly directed toward human safety and nature preservation.

    “The water can get down and underground and then you can’t see it,” he said. “It pops out and it pops out quickly and we don’t have much time to alert the rest of the community that there may be some danger or hazard associated with it.”

    The workshop titled “What Lies Beneath” is sponsored by a Patagonia grant, the Ponca Elk Education Center and the Buffalo River Watershed Alliance. It will be held from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on July 16 at the Elk Education Center in Ponca, Arkansas.

    “We have a grant from Patagonia and they have an arm that funds environmental studies and natural studies,” he said. “They are looking for rules that are in place in states and other locations that are not necessarily being followed by some of the people that are supposed to enforce them.”

    From the grant, Brahana has conducted presentations in Eureka Springs, Fayetteville and Little Rock.

    But this next workshop will be unlike the past classroom sessions. In addition to visiting and learning at the Buffalo National River, participants will be led on a field trip to the swimming hole and bluffs at Steel Creek.

    “When you get out in the field and go down to Steel Creek you can start to see many of these features much more clearly, because the river has cut into the rock,” he said. “It is just like the highway department. When they cut into rock to make a highway through an area, the road needs to be fairly level. We can see a lot of things that we couldn’t see before.”

    Those participating are welcome to bring proper swim attire and a lunch if they plan to stay awhile.

    “It’s our natural environment, it’s a beautiful part of the country and it needs some respect and understanding,” Brahana said.

    For more information on the “What Lies Beneath” hydrogeology workshop click here.

  • 01 Jul 2016 7:36 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    5 Big Meat Companies Produce A Combined 162 Million Tons Of Manure Each Year


    The consolidation of animal agriculture has allowed American agribusiness to produce huge amounts of cheap meat at an astonishing rate. But that access to cheap meat comes at a cost: millions of tons of manure and toxic pollutants, which can threaten some of America’s most important waterways.

    According to a new report released by Environment America, five major animal agribusinesses — Tyson, JBS, Cargill, Smithfield, and Perdue — produce a combined 162,936,695 tons of manure every year. But it’s not just the manure that is threatening America’s waterways. The report also points to the huge volumes of grain that need to be grown to feed animals in factory farms, noting that the chemical-intensive farming often associated with the production of feed like corn and soy can also create runoff that threatens rivers, lakes, streams, and bays. Moreover, factory farms are some of the largest contributors to water pollution, dumping more toxic pollutants into waterways annually from their processing plants, by volume, than companies like ExxonMobil and Dow Chemical.

    “Companies like Tyson and the others are turning farms into factories and ruining our rivers and bays in the process,” John Rumpler, clean water program director for Environment America, said during a press call. “We need clean water in America for so many different reasons. It’s vital to life in America. Unfortunately, corporate agribusiness is polluting America’s waterways in an incredible volume.”

    According to the EPA, agribusiness is the leading cause of pollution for more than 145,000 miles of rivers and streams, 1 million acres of lakes, and 3,000 square miles of bays and estuaries throughout the United States. Agricultural runoff — either from manure or from fertilizer used to grow animal feed — creates dead zones that stretch across the country, from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico and the Chesapeake Bay

    In order to deal with the amount of waste produced by factory farms, operations often store manure in in-ground holes, called lagoons, or apply the waste to the ground as fertilizer. But because factory farms are dependent on packing the greatest number of animals into the smallest possible area, the waste that ends up spread onto fields is likely being applied to lands that are already saturated with animal waste from the operation itself or from another factory farm. In North Carolina, for instance, factory farms that produce hogs and chickens are often clustered tightly on the same watershed, making it difficult for fields to properly absorb the excess manure that is spread on the ground. 

    We need clean water in America for so many different reasons. It’s vital to life in America

    Animal manure contains nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorous, which, when applied in proper amounts, can help crops grow. But when applied in excessive amounts — or when stored in unlined or improperly managed lagoons — these nutrients can leach into ground and surface water. There, they can fuel algal blooms that can release toxins into drinking water — like the algal bloom that shut down Toledo, Ohio's water supply in the summer of 2014 — or oxygen-free dead zones that can be fatal to aquatic life.

    Excessive application of animal waste can also cause nitrates, another nutrient, to seep into water sources. In Washington, a court case last year found that large industrial dairy operations in the eastern part of the state had directly contaminated groundwater, placing nearby communities' health at risk. A high concentration of nitrates in drinking water can cause blue baby syndrome in infants, which reduces the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood. Nitrates have also been linked to an increased risk of certain cancers.

    The Environment America report suggests a few solutions to the problem of factory farm-driven water pollution. The first calls for moving away from an industrial-style production of animals, towards a small-scale approach. Terry Spence, a farmer with the Socially Responsible Agricultural Project, spoke of raising cattle on his 400-acre farm in north central Missouri, explaining that he allows his cattle to graze the land in a rotation, which keeps the ground from becoming too saturated with animal waste. 

    The report also calls for a ban on the over-application of manure, or the use of leaking or unlined lagoons for storage. Some states, like Maryland, have already begun to place limits on the amount of animal manure that can be applied to fields, in an effort to reduce pollution into the Chesapeake Bay. At the same time, however, chicken farming in Maryland is undergoing rapid expansion — some 200 additional large-scale chicken farms could be operational within the state before the end of the year.

    "There are three elements of all life on this planet: clean water, clean air, and a safe and healthy food supply," Spence said. "My hope is that every individual realizes where we are headed if things don’t change with regards to how these companies conduct their business."

  • 28 Jun 2016 3:34 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    Drill, baby, drill

    Conflicting aims

    By Mike Masterson

    I've never believed anyone can effectively serve two masters.

    That sets me to wondering about the mission of the Big Creek Research and Extension Team, working under auspices of the University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture. How realistic is it that this appointed team with dual roles is the official watchdog to monitor possible contamination of our precious Buffalo National River?

    This team was formed by then-Gov. Mike Beebe in response to widespread concerns about the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality (cough) wrongheadedly permitting C&H Hog Farms with 6,500 swine in the Buffalo watershed. The factory operates around Big Creek, a major tributary flowing fewer than seven miles from its confluence with the Buffalo.

    In an exit interview from office, Beebe conceded his biggest regret was that the state allowed the Cargill-supported factory into the treasured watershed. He claimed he didn't know this bad idea was approved until it had been.

    Here's the Big Creek team's explanation of its allegiances and responsibilities in a Q and A section of its website:

    "Q: Does the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture have a conflict of interest since it is so closely aligned with the agricultural community in the state, including the pork producers?

    "A: The work of our team is science-based and can withstand scrutiny. While we do have a close relationship with the agricultural community, we also have a history of providing research and educational programs aimed at protecting the environment. Our core values are to collect the best data and provide the best interpretation possible. In this study, we want to find answers to ensure the Buffalo River Watershed and other watersheds are protected."

    Sounds like a mixed sense of purpose and responsibilities, especially when big agricultural corporations are making six-figure contributions to the university's Agriculture Division but getting zip from the Buffalo River. Do the values expressed in the team's answer justify its decision to avoid drilling beneath one of two waste lagoons to acquire the "best data and provide the best interpretation possible" of suspected waste leakage and apparent "major fracture" an Oklahoma State University geologist detected last year?

    Dr. Todd Halihan of OSU used electroresistivity studies of the lagoons in March 2015 when he found apparent leakage. The Big Creek team continues to speculate the stuff Halihan discovered is wet clay rather than hog waste. If so, wet from what?

    It took a coalition of Arkansas environmental groups using a Freedom Of Information Act request to bring Halihan's findings to light during a meeting of the Arkansas Pollution Control and Ecology Commission last month. Anyone wonder why so many upset Arkansans are untrusting of the state's role?

    Last week, Department of Environmental Quality Director Becky Keogh said her agency finally will retain independent experts to assess the integrity of liners in the factory's raw waste lagoons. What's the rush?

    The coalition, which includes the Buffalo River Watershed Alliance, Ozark Society and Arkansas Canoe Club, has urged the agency to launch a thorough investigation to determine if waste has been leaking into the fractured karst beneath the lagoons ever since the group broke loose Halihan's findings. Responding to the announcement, the coalition called the agency's decision to drill a test well a good first step.

    Perhaps I'm mistaken, yet I sense the hand of Gov. Asa Hutchinson at work in the sudden pursuit of truth here. If so, let's hope Hutchinson insists on straightforward answers in the public interest and toward protecting our precious Buffalo at whatever cost.

    The coalition also emphasized that the agency has several important decisions to make in connection with its decision. Those include disclosing the identity of the independent experts who'll conduct the investigation, as well as the type and scope of their work and the protocols and technology they'll use. Full transparency is important to coalition members and many others.

    "That includes being fully informed of developments and results," the coalition stated in a news release, saying the agency "has committed this investigation will be conducted in an open and transparent manner, and will provide an opportunity to collaborate with other scientific experts from [the Big Creek team] and the Buffalo River Coalition. The coalition looks forward to that opportunity."

    Learning the truth about what's below the lagoon is unduly overdue considering the Big Creek team's noble-sounding statement above: "We want to find answers to ensure the Buffalo River Watershed and other watersheds are protected." It's never made sense to those with common sense for this team not to insist upon answers from the beginning, as opposed to basically surmising there's no raw waste leaking into the watershed.


    Mike Masterson's column appears regularly in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette. Email him at

  • 27 Jun 2016 1:09 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    KUAF Radio - Ozarks At Large (Click to listen)

    ADEQ Calls for Independent Investigation of 

    Buffalo River Hog Farm


    The Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality will hire independent experts to assess whether C&H Hog Farms is leaking industrial swine waste from its sewage lagoons located within the Buffalo National River Watershed. A research scientist with a University of Arkansas agricultural extension team last year detected possible leakage. ADEQ also plans to collaborate with the Buffalo River Coalition--comprised of groups of stakeholders that seek to shutter the factory swine farm.

  • 25 Jun 2016 8:33 AM | Anonymous member

     Emily Walkenhorst

    New study to require drilling at hog farm  

    NWA Online Article



    Environmental agency exec goes to AG

    State-hired scientists continued to state Friday that research shows no evidence that C&H Hog Farms is polluting its surrounding environment in the Buffalo River watershed, and the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality announced it would commission a study of the facility as requested by opponents of the hog farm.

    With permission from C&H ownership, the Department of Environmental Quality will contract with a new research team within the next 60 days to assess the clay liners on hog manure storage ponds at C&H in Mount Judea after opponents of the facility expressed concern they were leaking.

    The department set aside $50,000 for the study but expects to spend between $20,000 and $30,000 for it. The study will consist of drilling in a single spot on C&H grounds to extract samples. The money will come from environmental settlement funds received for water studies and will be used at the discretion of department Director Becky Keogh with permission from Gov. Asa Hutchinson.

    Keogh said Friday that the research would be conducted in an "open and transparent manner" to supplement and investigate existing research.

    The announcement by the department comes as C&H opponents question whether researchers hired by the state are biased and as C&H ownership questions whether volunteer researchers working with opponents of the hog farm are biased.

    On Friday, the Big Creek Research and Extension Team presented its findings so far in its nearly three years of weekly testing and its most recent research on electroresistivity imaging, which in April prompted opponents of the hog farm to again call for the Environmental Quality Department to shut down the facility.

    "We don't see any scientific evidence at the moment that those ponds are leaking," said Andrew Sharpley, a University of Arkansas at Fayetteville environmental sciences professor who is the team's lead researcher. Sharpley said researchers would increase their level of monitoring.

    The new research team, which is yet to be selected, will study the integrity of the manure pond liners by extracting samples of the ground through drilling. Earlier this year, a contractor doing electroresistivity imaging for the Big Creek Research and Extension Team found what he believed to be higher-than-expected moisture levels below one of the ponds that could indicate a leak. He said the problem could be addressed by drilling to discover what was causing the higher moisture levels or by installing plastic liners under the hog manure.

    C&H has received a permit to install plastic liners but has not installed them yet.

    Members of the Big Creek Research and Extension Team, which operates out of the University of Arkansas System's Division of Agriculture and will monitor C&H's affect on the environment for five years for the state, said the findings did not alarm them because no other research conducted on the site has shown any patterns of pollution. Further, they said, the moisture levels detected likely were related to the already moist layers of clay and limestone in the ground.

    But the Buffalo River Coalition, composed of four groups opposed to C&H, has asked the department to halt operations at the hog farm until more research can be conducted at the site. Members of the coalition expressed a desire Friday for "unbiased" researchers to drill in multiple spots and vowed to keep fighting.

    Richard Mays, a Heber Springs attorney who has represented the Buffalo River Coalition as a spokesman before the Arkansas Pollution Control and Ecology Commission, said the coalition was pleased by the Environmental Quality Department's decision to drill at C&H.

    But he stressed that "transparency," according to him and coalition members, would include stakeholder input before the research begins and to keep people informed of developments and results during the research.

    "Transparency is especially important in this case, because of its history, and it is to everybody's advantage that the coalition and other interested parties be given full opportunity to collaborate," he told the Pollution Control and Ecology Commission.

    Mays and others noted after Friday's meeting that the Big Creek Research and Extension Team conducts its work through the University of Arkansas Extension Service, which regularly provides assistance to farmers. That association would disqualify team members as independent researchers, Mays said.

    "That's not what we need in this particular case," he said.

    C&H co-owner Jason Henson said Friday that he believed that research done by the Big Creek Research and Extension Team was "sound science" and argued that its researchers had nothing to gain from the results of their testing.

    Henson noted that other research being conducted by retired University of Arkansas professor Van Brahana has sought to shut down the farm rather than be unbiased and has used C&H opponents to help conduct the research. Brahana's research is frequently cited by C&H's opponents.

    "It would be like me pulling the samples [for research]," Henson said.

    Henson said he hoped and believed the new research would continue to show that his hog farm is not harming the surrounding environment. He said research had already shown his own house water well near a manure pond to be clean, with contaminant levels far below U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's safe-drinking-water standards.

    Henson, a ninth-generation Mount Judea resident, co-owns C&H with his cousins Phillip and Richard Campbell. The facility is permitted to house up to 2,503 sows and 4,000 piglets at a site on Big Creek, just 6 miles from where it meets the Buffalo River.

    The Buffalo River, the first national river, had 1.46 million visitors last year, the third-highest total since it became a national river and the highest since a record number of 1.55 million was set in 2009. That year, visitors spent an estimated $62.2 million at local businesses, directly supporting 750 jobs and secondarily supporting 219 jobs.

    During a public comment period at Friday's meeting, several people expressed a desire to further investigate the electroresistivity imaging research for the sake of the Buffalo River.

    If the river is at risk and pollution is occurring, the state could be squandering a natural resource, said Garry Lilley, who regularly fishes in the river with his twin brother, Larry. The two commented together at the meeting, wearing matching red button-up shirts, denim overalls and blue-and-green pins in support of the Buffalo River.

    "If we don't address this, it's not only a national treasure that's up in the air," Garry Lilley said. "We're going to lose a big revenue source.

    In the more than three years since C&H received a permit from the Environmental Quality Department, ownership has endured criticism and proposed measures intended to assuage the fears of environmental, tourism and outdoors groups that the facility will pollute the Buffalo River.

    Meanwhile, Henson said, Big Creek Research and Extension Team findings haven't discovered any pollution.

    "I don't know what else a farmer can do to farm," he said.

    Metro on 06/25/2016

  • 24 Jun 2016 12:32 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Arkansas Times

    State plans independent study of impact of Buffalo River watershed hog farm

    Posted By Max Brantley on Fri, Jun 24, 2016 at 12:42 PM

    GOOD NEWS: Richard Mays, a Heber Springs lawyer, reads statement from Buffalo River Coalition on state decision to further review how well waste ponds are preventing hog waste pollution in the Buffalo River watershed.

    ·        GOOD NEWS: Richard Mays, a Heber Springs lawyer, reads statement from Buffalo River Coalition on state decision to further review how well waste ponds are preventing hog waste pollution in the Buffalo River watershed.

    Tom Coulter reports from a meeting of the Arkansas Pollution Control and Ecology Commission that the state WILL hire an independent analyst to check the integrity of waste ponds at the C and H Hog Farm in Mount Judea.

    The hog farm — a concentrated factory swine feeding operation — has been controversial since state approval for its location next to a creek that feeds theBuffalo National River. Studies to date have provided some indication that hog waste is leaking into the ground below, with potential to travel into the waterways.

    The Buffalo River Coalition had urged the independent tests. Resistance has been rising in the agriculture sector to the continued scrutiny of the operation. What happens on the Buffalo isn't necessarily restricted to the Buffalo, many farmers and meat producers fear.

    While happy about the independent testing, the coalition said it still awaits answers to who will do the testing and the scope and protocols of those tests.

    Transparency is especially important in this case because of its history [approval of the farm's permit came with virtually no public notice] and it is to everybody's advantage that the coalition and other interested parties be given full opportunity to collaborate that includes being full informed of developments and results.

    The coalition's statement said the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality had pledged an open and transparent process.

    The coalition reiterated today that electrical resonance imaging had indicated thepossible release of hog waste. This information was collected by a state-backed Big Creek Research and Extension Team, but not made public "for reasons not yet fully explained." A followup on that finding is "the first step in proving or disproving whether there is a release that could be disastrous to the Buffalo River."

    The statement followed a commission meeting at which researchers said they'd found no evidence of significant leakage. But environmentalists questioned the friendly relationship between agricultural extension workers at UA and farmers. They said it was one reason for an independent look. 

Buffalo River Watershed Alliance is a non profit 501(c)(3) organization

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