• 27 Dec 2013 10:22 PM | Anonymous
    2,500 Pigs Join Debate Over Farms vs. Scenery - NYTimes.com.pdf

    MOUNT JUDEA, Ark. undefined Anita Hudson’s moment of realization came early this year when she saw cement trucks whizzing past her home in this blip of an Ozark town. For Sam Dye, it was when an employee at the school where he once was principal pointed out bulldozers clearing a wooded area in the distance.

    For many months, Ms. Hudson and Mr. Dye had been among those who brushed off rumors that a large hog farm would be built here in the scenic watershed of the Buffalo River.

    But now they were confronting reality: a farm that could house as many as 6,500 hogs was being built near them, within the pristine ecosystem of the Buffalo undefined designated America’s first “national river” and overseen by the National Park Service. Since then, the operation, C&H Hog Farms undefined which began producing piglets for the agricultural giant Cargill in the spring undefined has divided the community, drawn scrutiny from environmentalists, politicians, and state and federal officials, and left many wondering how one of the largest hog operations in the so-called Natural State ended up in the heart of a major tourist area.

    For environmentalists, the development of the Mount Judea (pronounced Judy) hog farm provides a stark example of what they see as lax oversight of such farms by state and federal regulators. Many of them were dismayed last year, for instance, when the Environmental Protection Agency withdrew proposed regulations that would have required all concentrated animal feeding operations, or CAFOs, to submit “basic operational information” and would have increased the number of such farms that require permits.

    But C&H Hog Farms has many supporters, who say that these farms have long dotted the watershed without causing major environmental damage. They argue that the owners of C&H followed all the required steps to obtain a permit and will do all they can to make sure that the farm does not hurt the ecosystem.

    “We believe that modern farming and environmental conservation and protecting the environment can coexist,” said Mike Martin, a spokesman for Cargill. “A lot of the fear and concern is based on a ‘what if’ scenario that may never take place.”

    The controversy simmers as a report released in October by a group of Harvard-led scientists found that nitrogen levels were too high in about half of the country’s national parks undefined in large part because of ammonia emitted into the air by agricultural operations, which can deprive fish of oxygen or drive out some vegetation in an ecosystem. This phenomenon is expected to worsen in coming decades as corporate farming increases, according to the report.

    In response to the uproar here, the state has temporarily imposed more stringent notification requirements for future CAFO applicants, acknowledging that many crucial players, including the superintendent of the river and the director of the state agency that permitted the operation, knew nothing about the project until after it had been approved.

    Gov. Mike Beebe of Arkansas, a Democrat, has allocated more than $340,000 to test and monitor the water quality in the watershed. Both of Arkansas’ United States senators undefined John Boozman, a Republican, and Mark Pryor, a Democrat undefined have said they were concerned about the location of the farm, and supported close monitoring.

    Environmental groups have filed a federal lawsuit against the Farm Service Agency and the Small Business Administration to try to block $3.4 million in loan guarantees for the farm, arguing that the agencies had not properly considered its environmental impact.

    “I was just sick over it undefined I just couldn’t believe it,” said Jewell Fowler, 87, who found out about the hog farm after it had been approved, through a notice in a local newspaper. Born in Mount Judea, Ms. Fowler has lived for the past four decades in a wooden cabin on the banks of the Big Creek, one of the main tributaries to the Buffalo River: a quiet oasis where the trees emit a sugary scent and water laps over rocks in a soothing whir.

    “I’m just afraid of the stink, maybe contamination, make people sick,” Ms. Fowler said.

    But the farm in Mount Judea has received considerable support, not least from some residents who live close by. Many see it as an economic bright spot in Newton County, which has high poverty.

    On a recent chilly morning, a scent evoking a mucky lagoon curled over the hill where Glen Ricketts lives. He cracked a smile.

    “You smell it,” he said.

    From Mr. Ricketts’s property, looking down a valley in the distance, a pair of white triangular roofs pop up like fins amid a sea of trees. They are the large barns that house the pigs.

    “Reason why it don’t bother us, we’re just hillbillies,” said Mr. Ricketts, 55, who is related by marriage to some of the farm’s owners. “When you’re raised up around a hog, it don’t bother you.”

    Charles Campbell, 77, has permitted the farm’s owners to spray some of the manure on his land.

    “I don’t think that it would pollute the river at all,” he said. “I’ve lived in this country for, well, all my life, and cattle and hogs has been raised up and down the creek here, and to me it ain’t bothered nothing so far.”This, however, is unlike any other hog operation in the area. With just over 2,500 sows undefined producing thousands of piglets undefined C&H has more of them than all of the other hog farms now operating in the Buffalo River watershed combined.

    The farm, its operators say, produces nearly 1.5 million gallons of hog manure a year if it runs at capacity. The waste is being stored in large lagoons and sprayed as fertilizer on nearby fields, some of them close to the Big Creek. Ten of the 17 fields that will receive fertilizer will have dangerously high phosphorous levels within a year, Kevin Cheri, the superintendent of the Buffalo River for the National Park Service, wrote in a letter to the Farm Service Agency.

    Environmentalists also worry that rain could cause the manure to run off into streams and creeks, especially because of the type of topography in the area. Known as karst, it is essentially a permeable limestone rock with many cracks and caves beneath the surface that water flows through quickly and easily, potentially allowing contaminants from the manure to seep into the ground and settle throughout the watershed. Some business owners worry that pollution would devastate tourism. The river attracts more than a million visitors each year for hiking, horseback riding and canoeing.

    “There is a probably greater than 95 percent chance that we are going to see impacts of degraded water quality and major environmental degradation,” said John Van Brahana, a recently retired hydrogeologist from the University of Arkansas who has conducted tests in the area.

    Supporters of the farm argue that unlike the small operations that have been common throughout the watershed, this one uses more environmentally friendly technology to prevent pollution. For one thing, the lagoons holding the waste are larger than required and use a clay liner that will prevent leakage, supporters have said. (Dr. Brahana said he believed the type of clay the operation was using would leak.)

    C&H was the first undefined and still the only undefined hog farm in the state approved through a new general permit that officials created for CAFOs to comply with federal rules. That permit did not require the strict procedures for notifying neighbors required for other agricultural permits in the state.

    Even some of the farm’s staunchest opponents said its owners were good, hardworking people looking to make a living, but they were critical of how they went about establishing the operation.

    Teresa Marks, the director of the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality, said that while

    the public should have been better notified about the operation before approval, she had enough confidence in the environmental integrity of the project that it would not have affected the ultimate outcome.

    “Will there be some of this waste that could reach the Buffalo River? Sure,” she said. “Will it cause an environmental problem? No, we don’t think there’s going to be any environmental harm caused.” 

  • 22 Dec 2013 8:53 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Hog suit roots on
    On the river

    By Mike Masterson
    Posted: December 22, 2013 at 2:25 a.m.
    Since many who love the Buffalo National River might be wondering on this Sunday before Christmas (when visions of spiral-sliced ham could be dancing in so many heads), I can report there is a development in that federal lawsuit filed in connection with C&H Hog Farms. The factory that was so inappropriately, and quietly, plopped down last fall near Mount Judea in the river’s watershed. You probably thought I’d plum forgotten about that matter. Fat chance.

    In its response to the civil suit filed earlier this year against the U.S. Small Business Administration and the Department of Agriculture by Earthrise Law Center, and Arkansas attorney Hank Bates along with Earthjustice (on behalf of three Arkansas conservation and environmental organizations and the National Parks Conservation Association), the Department of Justice actually conceded to several of the plaintiffs’ accusations.

    I find that unusual since it’s routine in most suits for the defendant to simply blanket-deny every allegation.Hannah Chang, senior associate attorney for Earthjustice, told me some of those admissions were worth noting.

    ◊The environmental assessment report submitted by the USDA Farm Service Agency in connection with it sloan guarantee for the hog factory does mistakenly identify the National Park Service as a “cooperating agency.” The park service contends it knew nothing about the farm being permitted until after the state had done so.

    ◊The FSA issued its assessment without further communication with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service after that agency said that threatened and protected species did indeed exist in the watershed. More on this later.◊The SBA failed to prepare a required National Environmental Policy Act analysis regarding its approval of the loan-assistance guarantee.

    ◊And the FSA did not seek to confer with the park service (overseers of the Buffalo National River) during the approval process even though they are located in the same federal building in Harrison.

    Chang said the FSA wrote in its assessment that it had obtained clearance on any endangered species in the watershed from “Arkansas Fish and Wildlife,” even though no such agency even exists. Under the Endangered Species Act, the FSA is required to consult with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Chang said.

    In paragraph 100 of the answer, the government claims its reference to “Arkansas Fish and Wildlife” actually was meant to be a reference to the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, which, even if true, is irrelevant because the agency isn’t required to obtain determinations from the state’s game and fish department, she added. Yet then, in paragraph 113 of its response, the government claims, again inconsistently, that actually their reference was intended to be to the “U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service,” she said.

    Chang said her next move will be to file an amended complaint Monday and wait until January for another government response. The briefing schedule stretches on until at least March, when the plaintiffs will move for a summary judgment in the case. By that time, I suspect the factory will be up to full steam, generating many thousands of tons of waste to be spread on fields surrounding Big Creek, a major tributary of the Buffalo six miles downstream. Ah, the wheels of justice do grind on and on.

    Meanwhile, I sent my new email friend Michael Martin, a communications executive for Cargill, another message the other day. I wanted to know what’s new with that multinational corporation and the factory it sponsors. He responded: “Until we see, and have a chance to evaluate, whatever the final plan is from the governor’s office and University of Arkansas, we really can’t comment. We will likely have some questions, and suspect there will be follow-up discussions involving a variety of stakeholders. As far as Cargill is concerned, nothing has been taken off the table.” I’m betting especially not that spiral ham.

  • 25 Nov 2013 10:42 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    Buffalo River Threatened

    Posted on November 18, 2013
    Last month the Buffalo River Watershed Alliance hosted a seven-city, educational Whistle-Stop Speaking Tour in Arkansas featuring experts from Waterkeeper® Alliance. The tour began in Fayetteville and ended in Little Rock. Other cities included in this educational tour include Harrison, Eureka Springs, Jasper, Yellville, and Mountain Home. The public was invited to attend these free educational events concerning the protection of water quality in the Buffalo River Watershed.

    The threat to the Buffalo is that industrial-sized hog farms are coming to Arkansas. The first is now operating near the Buffalo National Buffalo-River-ARRiver in Newton County. A Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO) is a method of mass producing meat by confining large numbers of animals to small spaces. The C&H Hog Farm located in Mt. Judea, Newton County, AR, is contracted to international conglomerate Cargill and is operating with a multi-million dollar taxpayer subsidized loan. It is located near Big Creek, which is one of the major tributaries of the Buffalo National River.

    The factory hog farm sits on top of one of the most environmentally sensitive areas of the state in the Ozark Mountains. The 6500 pigs will produce about 1.5 million gallons of manure per year. This along with the wash water results in over 2 million gallons of hog waste per year that will be spread over porous ground adjacent to Big Creek and across from the Mt. Judea public school.

    During the speaking tour, Waterkeeper Alliance professionals discussed impending health and economic issues, pollution of air and water, and the threat to the entire Buffalo National River watershed. The Buffalo River Watershed Alliance (BRWA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting and preserving the Buffalo National River Watershed from threats from water and air pollution. It also considers education of the general population concerning water and air quality in the Buffalo National River of the primary importance. It was founded in order to protect the scenic beauty and pristine water quality of the Buffalo National River by opposing and preventing the construction and operation of industrial confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs) within the Buffalo River watershed.

  • 23 Nov 2013 7:35 PM | Anonymous
    Environment / Health Hog farms linked to infections

    Posted by on Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 10:15 AM

    click to enlargePROBLEM NEIGHBORS: Infection risk higher near hog farms, new research says.
    • PROBLEM NEIGHBORS: Infection risk higher near hog farms, new research says.
    Still more news of interest in Arkansas from USA Today:

    Living near a hog farm or a field fertilized with pig manure significantly increases the risk of being infected with a dangerous superbug, new research finds.

    Two new studies published Monday in JAMA Internal Medicine focus on a bacteria called methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus , or MRSA, which caused more than 80,000 invasive infections in the USA in 2011.

    ...In 2011, for the first time since officials began tracking invasive MRSA infections, more Americans were infected with MRSA in the community than in the hospital, one of the studies shows.

    In the second study, researchers found that exposure to hog manure is related to 11% of MRSA infections, even among people who don't work on farms.

    Hog farming has been in the news in Arkansas because of C and H Farm, the mass feeder pig operation industry giant Cargill is backing in Newton County along a major tributary to the Buffalo National River. Legal fights are underway over the inadequate environmental impact work done before permits were approved for the operation. The Arkansas Farm Bureau has been a leading advocate for the hog farm.

    David Ramsey wrote on manure handling at C and H:

    The controversy centers on the inevitable byproduct of the farm: pig crap. Based on C&H's nutrient management plan (NMP), the facility will generate more than 2 million gallons of manure and wastewater per year. The waste is first collected in 2-foot-deep concrete pits below the animals. Once the shallow pits, diluted with water, are filled, the waste drains into two large man-made storage ponds. Eventually, as the ponds fill, C&H will remove liquid waste and, in an agreement with local landowners, apply it as fertilizer on more than 600 acres of surrounding fields.
  • 23 Nov 2013 7:26 PM | Anonymous
    Arkansas Blog                          

    Thursday, November 14, 2013

    Environment State can't issue moratorium on hog farm permit

    Posted by on Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 12:32 PM

    Attorney General Dustin McDaniel issued an opinion today, requested by Rep. David Branscum, that the director of  the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality may not impose a moratorium or suspension of the processing of a permit for a concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO). 

    So forget that as an option on the hog feeding operation in the Buffalo River watershed. The law doesn't authorize it, McDaniel said.

    Opinion No. 2013-102

    November 13, 2013

    The Honorable David L. Branscum
    State Representative
    Post Office Box 370
    Marshall, Arkansas 72650-0370

    Dear Representative Branscum:

    You have requested my opinion on the following question concerning permitting for a concentrated animal feeding operation:

    Under Arkansas law, may the director of the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality impose a moratorium or suspension of the processing of a permit for a concentrated animal feeding operation? If the answer is yes, under that circumstances may the director do so?


    The answer to this question is “no,” in my opinion. Your second question is consequently moot.

    Some explanation of the permitting process at issue will be helpful before further explaining this response.

    The Federal Water Pollution Control Act,[1] commonly referred to as the Clean Water Act (“CWA”), created a federal permitting program – the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (“NPDES”) – that requires a permit of any person discharging pollutants into a surface water body.[2] Concentrated, confined animal operations which are covered by Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) regulations defining “concentrated animal feeding operation” (“CAFO”)[3] are subject to the NPDES program.[4] The EPA requires all CAFOs to apply for an individual NPDES permit or submit a notice of intent for coverage under an NPDES general permit.[5] An NPDES permit may be issued by the EPA, but states also are authorized to administer their own NPDES programs.[6] If a state chooses to operate its own permit program, it must first obtain EPA permission and then ensure that it issues discharge permits in accord with the same federal rules that govern permits issued by the EPA.[7]

    EPA and the Arkansas General Assembly have delegated to the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality (“ADEQ”) the power to issue NPDES permits authorizing pollutant discharges. Pursuant to A.C.A. § 8-4-208(a), “the [ADEQ] is authorized … to administer on behalf of the state its own permit program for discharges into navigable waters within its jurisdiction in lieu of that of the [EPA.]” ADEQ was further granted authority under A.C.A. § 8-4-208(b) to “accept a delegation of authority from the [EPA] under the [CWA] and to exercise and enforce the authority delegated.”

    ADEQ is therefore the NPDES permitting authority in Arkansas.[8] The Arkansas Pollution Control and Ecology Commission (“Commission”) adopted Regulation No. 6[9] to govern NPDES permitting.[10] Regulation No. 6 incorporates federal regulations governing, inter alia, permit requirements for CAFOs.[11] The federal regulations for CAFOs provide as follows regarding NPDES permit authorization:

    A CAFO must not discharge unless the discharge is authorized by an NPDES permit. In order to obtain authorization under an NPDES permit, the CAFO owner or operator must either apply for an individual NPDES permit or submit a notice of intent for coverage under an NPDES general permit.[12]
    A general permit is issued to categories or classes of dischargers that are susceptible to regulation under common terms and conditions. As explained by one court:

    A general permit is a tool by which EPA regulates a large number of similar dischargers. Under the traditional general permitting model, each general permit identifies the output limitations and technology-based requirements necessary to adequately protect water quality from a class of dischargers. Those dischargers may then acquire permission to discharge under the Clean Water Act by filing [Notices of Intent], which embody each discharger’s agreement to abide by the terms of the general permit.[13]
    Pursuant to Regulation No. 6 and its permitting authority, ADEQ developed a general permit covering CAFOs.[14]

    With this background in mind, I will turn to your particular question concerning a moratorium or suspension. Because you have referred to a “permit for a [CAFO],” I assume you are asking about the general permit noted above, and possibly individual NPDES permits that may be issued to CAFO owners or operators.

    While the Commission is clearly authorized to either declare a moratorium on, or suspend the processing of, a type or category of permit, it appears the Director of ADEQ has not been vested with such authority. The Commission’s authority to this effect is set forth in A.C.A. § 8-4-201, and further reflected in A.C.A. § 8-4-202. Section 8-4-201 addresses the Commission’s powers and duties generally, and provides in relevant part:

    The Arkansas Pollution Control and Ecology Commission is given and charged with the following powers and duties:
    Promulgation of rules and regulations, including water quality standards and the classification of the waters of the state and moratoriums or suspensions of the processing of types or categories of permits, implementing the substantive statutes charged to the department for administration.
    Section 8-4-202 details more specifically the matters that may be addressed by Commission rule or regulation, and includes the following notice requirement and “emergency” authority:
    Before the adoption, amendment, or repeal of any rule or regulation or before suspending the processing of a type or category of permits or the declaration of a moratorium on a type or category of permits, the commission shall give at least thirty (30) days’ notice of its intended action.
    * * *
    If the commission determines that imminent peril to the public health, safety, or welfare requires immediate change in the rules or immediate suspension or moratorium on categories or types of permits, it may, after documenting the facts and reasons, declare an emergency and implement emergency rules, regulations, suspensions, or moratoria.

    I have found no comparable provision in law or regulation that would authorize the Director of ADEQ to declare a moratorium on, or suspend the processing of, a permit for a CAFO.

    I should note that the Director very clearly may revoke or suspend, for cause, a permit under which a CAFO is operating:

    The Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality or its successor is given and charged with the power and duty to revoke, modify, or suspend, in whole or in part, for cause any permit issued under this chapter, including, without limitation:
    (1) Violation of any condition of the permit;
    (2) Obtaining a permit by misrepresentation or failure to disclose fully all relevant facts; or
    (3) A change in any applicable regulation or a change in any preexisting condition affecting the nature of the discharge that requires either a temporary or permanent reduction or elimination of the permitted discharge.[17]
    This authority is plainly distinct, however, from that noted above respecting moratoria or suspensions. Had the General Assembly intended to extend the latter authority to the Director, it could easily have done so.

    In response to your question, therefore, it is my opinion that the Director of ADEQ lacks authority to impose a moratorium on, or suspend the processing of, a permit for a concentrated animal feeding operation.

    Deputy Attorney General Elisabeth A. Walker prepared the foregoing opinion, which I hereby approve.


    Attorney General
  • 18 Nov 2013 9:42 PM | Anonymous

    Farm Bill Could Hide Farm Locations From Public

    WASHINGTON November 7, 2013 (AP)

    By MARY CLARE JALONICK Associated Press



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    Parts of the nation's $500 billion farm bill that Congress is considering would prohibit the government from disclosing some information about farmers or their employees, possibly preventing people from learning about nearby agricultural and large-scale livestock operations blamed for polluting water or soil.

    The secrecy effort arose after the Environmental Protection Agency said it had mistakenly released names, email addresses, phone numbers and other personal information about some farmers and employees twice this year under the Freedom of Information Act. The EPA later determined it should not have released the information; in at least one case, an environmental group that received the data agreed to return it.

    The provisions in the farm bill were intended to protect farmers who fear they would be targeted by animal advocacy groups.

    The House version, now part of negotiations with the Senate, would prevent the EPA from disclosing the addresses, among other identifying information, of an owner, operator or employee of an agricultural operation. Other federal agencies could not release such information.

    Democratic Sen. Patrick Leahy of Vermont, the Senate Judiciary Committee chairman, blocked a Senate amendment similar to the House proposal.

    "We must take care not to draw a veil of secrecy around important information about threats to the public's health and safety or government accountability," Leahy said.

    Journalists and open government groups that want Congress to remove the proposals say federal law already bars the release of most personal information and the provisions are too broad.

    "Members of the public have a right to know about agricultural and livestock operations that affect them, including where such operations are located," a coalition of 43 groups, including Society for Professional Journalists, Sunlight Foundation and Openthegovernment.org said in a letter Wednesday to House and Senate farm bill negotiators. "This information is especially critical for people who live near or share waterways with concentrated animal feeding operations."

    Rep. Rick Crawford, R-Ark., who wrote one of the proposals, said many farmers and ranchers live on their farms, so releasing corporate addresses of their companies is the same as releasing their home addresses. Crawford said farmers and ranchers should be able to provide personal information securely to the Agriculture Department, but they believe that environmental activist groups could obtain the material if it were shared with the EPA.

    "Activist groups should not be able to leverage their relationship with the EPA to get this information that could pose a threat," Crawford said.

    Colin Woodall of the National Cattlemen's Beef Association cited cases of people trashing farmers' property.

    "There are more and more folks on the activist side that don't like what we do, and we want to protect our members," Woodall said.

    An attorney for the Natural Resources Defense Council, Jon Devine, one of the groups that received the personal information about some farmers, said his group wasn't interested in such details and returned the information when the EPA asked for it. He said the farm bill would go well beyond limiting such personal information and could jeopardize groups from getting facts they say they need, including the locations of farms. Craig Cox of the Environmental Working Group said he worried that the provisions could interfere with his group's ability to compile information about farm subsidies distributed every year, which the farm industry complains about. It's unclear whether the House language could be interpreted to restrict information about subsidies, he said.

  • 17 Nov 2013 7:25 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    [See the second half f the following story]

    That ‘Bebee’ blunder

    Mike Masterson

    This unanticipated “ouchie” literally did leave a mark the other day at the unveiling of that magnificent, 15,000-pound sandstone monument leading to the new U.S. Marshals Museum in Fort Smith.
    Although the mistake has been repaired, the onlookers had to have gasped, perhaps even chortled, to see Governor Beeebe’s … hmm … better make that Bebe’s, er, Bebee’s, no, no … Gov. Mike Beebe’s name prominently misspelled as “Bebee” in the etched stone.
    Gosh knows, I’ve nary a flamingo’s leg to stand on when it comes to errors in my own attempts at writing this personal opinion column. I have plenty of examples of “uh-ohs” over 43 years. Thankfully, I formerly had Meredith Oakley to keep me in line and today have editor Brenda Looper of the Voices page to hold mine to a minimum.
    This embarrassing oversight made headlines of its own with a news story by ace reporter Bill Bowden. And I’ve just gotta say it’s remarkable to me that someone didn’t catch the governor’s misspelled name well before the unveiling ceremony.
    But the stone sat placed and covered for a couple of days before its big day, so I can see how it’s reasonable that no one caught the error until, gasp, that moment when it was revealed to the state.
    Yet have no fear. Just like repairing mistakes on a computer, the Beebe blunder was sandblasted and repaired. And the many thousands of future visitors who didn’t read Bowden’s story (or today’s column way back in November of 2013) will never know the governor’s surname once was spelled “Bebee” on the handsome marker dedicated to the Marshals Service and the 225 souls who lost their lives in service to that hallowed agency.

    Times for hogs

    The New York Times has taken interest in the ongoing battle over that hog factory permitted in the Buffalo National River watershed.
    Veteran correspondent John Eligon from the paper’s Kansas City bureau arrived in the Ozarks last week to conduct interviews and experience the magnificent beauty of this river for the first time. We chatted a while beforehand and I felt good when we hung up that he’d do this national story justice on behalf of the people of Arkansas and the nation.
    Although the Times has published stories on health and environmental pitfalls associated with factory animal operations such as the one permitted by our state for up to 6,500 swine at Mount Judea, I believe Eligon will present his news story correctly and fairly.
    But I also suspect that if his take on this is that there are many questions over the way the state approved it and the potential for contamination it presents is real, then correspondent Eligon also will be wrongly accused of being anti-farmer and against hog farms. That’s become the preferred argument: the crimson oinker (as opposed to the infamous red herring).
    I can already hear the predictable refrain the factory’s supplier and buyer Cargill Inc. and the factory’s local family of operators might offer: “It’s those anti-farmers and radical environmental alarmists upset over this good, beleaguered family farm that jumped through every hoop the state demanded of them to acquire their permit. Why, this farm won’t ever contaminate the Buffalo! That kind of talk is just more ignorant fearmongering.”
    This reporter seems pretty sharp to me. I believe he’ll quickly see that no one who’s opposed to this hog farm is the slightest bit anti-farmer or even that radical, except toward protecting a sacred national treasure. They simply believe, as do I (a loudmouthed non-radical) that this is the worst possible location for Arkansas’ first mega-waste-generating hog factory approved to operate under the state’s new general permit.
    And I truly mean the bar-none, absolute worst location.
    The people most concerned about this location range from geoscientists to former governors and federal officials to those who enjoy this magical stream. Thanks to the recent Waterkeepers seven-city Arkansas tour, hundreds of citizens have been educated firsthand about the devastation that massive corporate hog operations like this one have wrought in the once-pristine rivers of other states such as North Carolina, not to mention steadily eliminating traditional family farms.
    I also believe Eligon will see what so many others have in questioning what appears to be preferential, streamlined treatment by the state in permitting this factory. The deed was done in a few months, without requiring Cargill or the factory owners to conduct advance tests to see how water flows through the subsurface karst or to do baseline water-quality studies.
    Good grief, my friends, even the director of the state’s permitting agency, the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality (cough) says she didn’t know the factory had been permitted until after the fact; neither did the staff of the agency’s local office in nearby Jasper. Say what?
    Anyway, welcome to Arkansas, correspondent Eligon. Enjoy the incredible majesty of the country’s first National River and all the good folks of our state.
    • –––––—
    Mike Masterson’s column appears regularly in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette. Email him at mikemasterson10@hotmail.com. Read his blog at mikemastersonsmessenger.com.

  • 17 Nov 2013 7:24 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Be a Good Steward of the Land, Air and Water
    A response to Jerry McMasters’ Arkansas Pork Producers:

    Anyone concerned about water and air quality does not locate a hog production facility that produces two million gallons of untreated hog sewage waste to be spread on fields next to a major tributary of the pristine Buffalo National River, not to mention next to a school. The odors produced represent chemicals in the air that are not only unpleasant, but harmful to human health.

    The truth is that the waste ponds and spray field system used by C&H Hog Farms, the Cargill contractor/hog producer, was such an environmental hazard in North Carolina that it has been banned for new and expanded facilities by the legislature in North Carolina. That system should not be allowed in the Natural State.

    Nothing like a 6,500 hog (2,000 sow, 4,500 weaner pigs) production facility should be called a “fam! ily farm.” The facility is owned by a corporation. The hogs are owned by Cargill, fed with Cargill feed and will go out of the barns to other Cargill facilities. C&H is part of an integrated Big Ag operation.

    C&H’s waste management plan admits leakage of the waste ponds. The untreated hog waste will be spread on lands adjacent to Big Creek, many of which admittedly flood frequently. The waste ponds already smell strongly. The smell is confirmation that hydrogen sulfide, ammonia and other toxic fumes are coming from the production facilities and off of the waste ponds. The leakage and odors are not a “what if” scenario.

    The informational programs presented by the Buffalo River Watershed Alliance, a non-profit made up of local folks concerned for the river, made it clear that the Alliance was not against family farms, but in fact supported the same. Mega-large corporations like Cargill in fact diminish the family farms. The number of hog farmers in ! this country has decreased, but the number of hogs produced is basically the same. Bigger is killing the family farmer.

    The Buffalo River is one of the victims, but so are local residents, Mount Judea’s school, the neighboring town and people who want to use the Buffalo River. Measures should be taken now to protect the water, soil and air quality of Arkansas. Mr. McMasters, VP of Arkansas Pork Producers, apparently does not see the difference in treated versus untreated sewage. Mr. McMaster’s comments are disingenuous.

    By sitting its industrial facility on karst terrain and along the banks of Big Creek, C&H and Cargill have demonstrated that they are not good stewards of our land, air and water.

    Arkansas Farm Bureau, the State of Arkansas, the University of Arkansas and environmental groups, along with the Arkansas Legislature, should step up and uphold a mission of good stewardship. We in Arkansas need to take steps to undo this error, now! Before t! he “what ifs” become worse.

    Michael E. Kelly, Board Member of the Buffalo River Watershed Alliance