2nd Inspection for C&H

08 Feb 2014 2:01 PM | Anonymous



ADEQ has made  a 2nd inspection report for C&H.  Below is an edited version.  To see entire inspection go to  "Documents & Videos" and "ADEQ Compliance Inspection #2"


January 28, 2014

Mr. Jason Henson, Owner

C&H Hog Farms

HC 72 Box 10

Mount Judea, AR 72655

RE: Compliance Inspection/Complain Investigation

AFIN: 51-00164 Permit No.: ARG590001

Dear Mr. Henson:

On January 23, 2014 I performed a compliance inspection of the above referenced facility in accordance with the provisions of the Arkansas Water and Air Pollution Control Act, and the regulations promulgated thereunder. Additionally as part of the inspection I reviewed application field17 in response to a complaint the Department received on January 16, 2014.  A copy of the inspection and complaint reports are enclosed for your records.

 Please refer to the “Summary of Findings” section of the attached inspection report and provide a written response for each violation that was noted. This response should be mailed to the attention of the Water Division Inspection Branch at the address at the bottom of this letter or emailed to Water-Inspection-Report@adeq.state.ar.us. This response should contain documentation describing the course of action taken to correct each item noted. This corrective action should be completed as soon as possible, and the written response with all necessary documentation (i.e.photos) is due by February 11, 2014.

 If I can be of any assistance, please contact me at bolenbaugh@adeq.state.ar.us or 501-682-0659.


Jason Bolenbaugh

Inspection Branch Manager

Water Division



The holding pond embankments were not stabilized and erosion rills were found within the inside banks of the holding ponds. Stabilization of the embankments needs to occur to 1) prevent sediment from entering the holding ponds which may decrease the capacity of the holding ponds, and 2) ensure the integrity of the holding ponds are maintained. Please see Photographs 1 and 2.

 The maps in the Nutrient Management Plan (NMP) do not correctly identify the land application areas.

Specifically, there are sections of Fields 12 and 16 that are identified as application areas; however, land use contracts are not available. You did indicate you were aware of the errors and were in the process of generating new land application maps, and those sites were not being applied to. Please provide those updated maps or a date when those will be completed in your response.

 Your NMP indicates there are 630.7 available acres to land apply to. However, that includes Field 5 that was previously mentioned in the June 23, 2013 inspection report and has been removed as an application field, as well as Fields 12 and 16 which must be revised. Please revise the NMP to reflect the total acres available for application. The highlighted areas in the attached site maps indicate the approximate areas that are outlined in your NMP as application sites but are ones you do not possess land use contract for.

 At the time of the inspection you could not verify the exact number of swine on site that were above 55 lbs. and below 55 lbs. On January 27, 2014 you confirmed there were 2,499 sows (> 55 lbs.) and 700 nursery pigs (< 55 lbs.) on site. Your NMP states there will be no more than 2,500 swine (> 55 lbs.) and 4,000 swine (< 55 lbs.) on site. Please ensure you are maintaining an actual head count at all times so you do not exceed the given number of swine.




As a reminder, per Part 3.2.4 of your permit your annual report is due to the Department by January 31, 2014.

Per Section B.3.c.4 of your NMP, soil samples for Nitrate-N and Phosphorus shall be taken no less than annually. This differs from Part of your permit. Please ensure you continue to abide by the requirement of your NMP.

 At the time you indicated land application is only occurring by use of the vac tanker which coincides with your application records. Per Section M of your NMP, please ensure you only use a vac tanker on fields 1-4 and 10-17, and only use the pipeline/sprinkler system on Fields 5-9. Your NMP will need to be revised if you wish to use both practices to apply on a given field.

 A review of your application records indicated a rating of "Fair" for Field 17. When asked, you indicated the field was a "little soft" and this was noticed once you began applying and ruts from the equipment formed.

However, you indicated you took appropriate action and immediately ceased application. Please see Photograph 3.

 The Holding Pond Level was below Must Pumpdown elevation. The level of Holding Pond 1 was low enough so that waste was not flowing over the spillway.

 Mortalities are promptly disposed of in the two incinerators that are on site. Please see Photograph 4.

At the time of the investigation we did not note any violations pertaining to your application practices. You indicated you have implemented more stringent buffer and setback requirements than are documented in the permit.









  • 11 Feb 2014 4:16 PM | Anonymous member
    Mr. John Bailey,
    Today I was in the Big Creek, Mt Judea area from 12 pm until 2 pm.
    The wind was blowing from the SW at a steady speed, laying the smoke from a chimney parallel to the ground, dust devils were constant on the road at the Criner Cemetery (field 17) where the honey wagon was applying hog waste from C & H Hog Farm.
    The odor was extremely strong on NC 6310, NC 6370 & NC 6335.
    I am concerned that applying waste when the wind is blowing in access of 16mph and gusting up to 34mph the waste can be carried long distances and not going to the specified area of spray.
    For myself I had a burning in the back of my nasal passage and throat and couldn’t wait to finish and leave the area.
    Sincerely, Carol Bitting

    P.S.Henson's report shows he applied 24,000 gallons of waste 1/16/14 winds at 16 mph.
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  • 11 Feb 2014 4:16 PM | Anonymous member
    Mr. John Bailey,
    Today I was in the Big Creek, Mt Judea area from 12 pm until 2 pm.
    The wind was blowing from the SW at a steady speed, laying the smoke from a chimney parallel to the ground, dust devils were constant on the road at the Criner Cemetery (field 17) where the honey wagon was applying hog waste from C & H Hog Farm.
    The odor was extremely strong on NC 6310, NC 6370 & NC 6335.
    I am concerned that applying waste when the wind is blowing in access of 16mph and gusting up to 34mph the waste can be carried long distances and not going to the specified area of spray.
    For myself I had a burning in the back of my nasal passage and throat and couldn’t wait to finish and leave the area.
    Sincerely, Carol Bitting

    P.S.Henson's report shows he applied 24,000 gallons of waste 1/16/14 winds at 16 mph.
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