"It's the Location" Mike Masterson Article

11 Feb 2014 6:19 PM | Anonymous
It's the Location
Democrat-Gazette-February 11, 2014
I've got to smile whenever I read how some lobbyists and others with special-interest agendas try to make it seem in news stories as if
public opposition (including my own) to the hog factory placed in the precious Buffalo National River watershed, when our state's Department of Environmental Quality (cough) quickly and quietly permitted that mega-waste-producer in such a sensitive location, somehow equals wide-spread opposition to hog farms and Cargill.  Talk about a crimson oinker (pork version of a red herring).
Once again for the record, the only protests in this instance are over the wrongheaded location of this particular swine factory, not the farmers or hog farming itself. Period. End of sentence.