• 08 Jan 2021 8:41 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    Buffalo River panel hears ideas for using $167,400Trees, restrooms, feral hogs among pitches

    by Ashton Eley

    The Buffalo River Conservation Committee listened to several proposals from organizations that applied for further assistance from the committee's remaining project funds during its meeting Thursday afternoon.

    Around $167,400 remain of the $1 million allotted to support grants and projects within the Buffalo River Watershed, said Arkansas Agriculture Secretary Wes Ward, who led the meeting.

    The $1 million was transferred Nov. 15, 2019, from the governor's discretionary fund to an Arkansas Department of Agriculture account for projects like voluntary best management practices for farmers and landowners; improvements to wastewater and septic systems for cities and counties within the watershed; and reduction of sediment runoff from unpaved roads within the watershed, according to the committee's 2020 report.

    The committee had asked for applications from anyone seeking such funding in early November. It received 10 applications by its Dec. 15 deadline.

    All applicants were sent an email about the meeting and opportunity to present, said Amy Lyman, director of marketing and communications at the Arkansas Department of Agriculture. Five applicants attended and presented at Thursday's meeting.

    Darryl Treat, executive director of the Searcy County Chamber of Commerce, proposed using some of the funds to buy trees to plant.

    "I felt I was encouraged to make a submission," he said. "If the committee doesn't see fit for our proposal, that's totally OK ... I think we can press ahead with our own resources and go ahead and plant some trees regardless."

    The committee discussed the possibilities of nursery and large tree purchases, as well as possibly distributing trees to homeowners in the county. With $2,500, matched by the Arkansas Forestry Commission, about 20 trees could be put in at a recently completed park lake.

    "That would be a pretty good start," commission forester Mike Mowery said in the meeting. "We would be happy to provide some guidance, make a plan and give some suggestions on species and planning sites."

    The county also started tree-planting efforts at the Berry Shed property. Treat said he would like to continue planting trees that enhance the natural beauty of the area.

    One of the best ways to help water quality is to plant trees, committee member Richard McMullen said.

    With the rest of the four proposals, some committee members spoke to presenters about better possible funding sources for their projects. Ben Milburn, committee member and owner of Buffalo River Outfitters, expressed concerns about going outside the intention of the committee. He suggested that funding efforts should go to directly helping local farmers through education efforts or other means.

    Biologist Billy Justus from the U.S. Geological Survey asked the committee for $132,000 to extend his team's study of filamentous algae to September 2022 to have five years of data.

    Algae blooms could be contributing to the water quality declining over an extended time. A long-term study is also needed because public use of the river has increased dramatically and land use in the watershed has been changing.

    The project has cost about $100,000 a year and has run out of its funding from other sources, Justus said. He is asking for the minimum needed to conduct a necessary, long-term study, he said.

    "We don't have the option of working forward without any funding. Data collection will stop," he said. "We are constantly looking for opportunities, but we don't have anything that would allow us to continue for sure."

    Jasper Mayor Jan Larson proposed a $120,000 grant that would help buy the historic and currently vacant Buffalo Theater to turn it into an information center and public restrooms.

    The town of about 500 residents relies heavily on tourism. Currently, the city has no public restrooms, creating a waste management issue.

    "Tourism is the lifeblood for our economy and they love our area. ... Without positive management, the river as we know it could quickly be destroyed," Larson said. "I'm hoping we can add something to stopping this at the source rather than having to deal with it once it's in the river."

    If given the funds, Larson said, the public restrooms could be ready by spring. There may also be room for vendors or other services that will support tourism, she said.

    Robert Byrd with the U.S. Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Wildlife Services made a $100,000 request to aid in managing feral hogs -- an invasive species in Arkansas. These hogs cause around $1.5 billion in damage nationally and $19 million damage in Arkansas, Bryd said.

    Members agreed that feral hog management is an important issue but again voiced concerns about if it was the right organization to help fund those efforts.

    Amit Sinha, University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff assistant professor, asked for funds to work on better treatments for algae booms. He said algaecide can harm beneficial types of algae as well as detrimental types.

    He said he has had some success on a small scale with lowering the phosphorous ratio to better address the issue. However, it seemed too soon in the experimental process for many committee members, they said.

    "I hope you continue this work," said Stacy Hurst, secretary of Parks, Heritage and Tourism.

  • 16 Nov 2020 4:26 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Buffalo River Conservation Committee is accepting grant applications

    LITTLE ROCK — The Buffalo River Conservation Committee (BRCC) is accepting applications through December 15, 2020 for assistance with funding projects that will benefit water quality and resource management in the Buffalo River Watershed.    

    Governor Hutchinson established the BRCC through Executive Order 19-14 on September 23, 2019.  The BRCC is tasked with leading and assisting projects that benefit water quality and resource management in the Buffalo River Watershed with an emphasis being placed on items that engage local stakeholders and landowners that have a positive impact on water quality and are beneficial for landowners within the Watershed.

    Approximately $167,400 is available for disbursement.  Funding for the BRCC efforts was made available through Governor Hutchinson and the Arkansas Legislature.  Applications can be found at https://www.cognitoforms.com/ArkansasAgriculture1/brccgrant.   

    The BRCC membership consists of the Secretary of the Department of Agriculture, Secretary of the Department of Energy and Environment, Secretary of the Department of Health, and Secretary of the Department of Parks, Heritage, and Tourism.

    The members of the BRCC are required to work in cooperation with one another to identify opportunities to leverage their Department’s unique expertise, relationships, focus areas, and funding mechanisms in support of the vitality of the watershed.

    The BRCC includes a subcommittee consisting of key stakeholders representing local landowners, conservation organizations, environmental and technical experts, representatives of the tourism industry, local county and municipal officials and federal partners.  The subcommittee assists with identifying opportunities for training, relationship building, and specific projects, in service to preserving and enhancing water quality within the Buffalo River Watershed.

  • 10 Sep 2020 7:08 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)



    FRAN ALEXANDER: Call of the wilderness

    Management must include protectinos for special forest area

    by Fran Alexander | September 8, 2020 at 1:00 a.m.

    Seeing the forest for the trees

    Arkansas has a crown jewel, a unique place of quality that has no parallel. Oh sure, there are rivers elsewhere as there are forests and caves and cliffs and mountains, which are scattered hither and yon across the country. But “scattered” is the key word here. Once, much of our nation was covered in forests, rivers ran clean, prairie grasses fed herds of buffalo, wildlife had habitat, the air was fresh and you couldn’t hear a motor no matter how hard you tried.

    Once, wilderness was more than a bit of mental imagination, instead filled with the actual reality of danger, adventure and discovery. Our country still has its natural wonder, but most of the grand landscapes are no longer contiguous. They are sliced and diced into parks, national forests, scenic rivers, etc., separated by cities and towns, farms and ranches, highways and byways.

    Arkansas got lucky in the natural beauty lottery because within our borders is the first national river. By receiving that honor in 1972, the Buffalo National River was saved from a federal dam or dams to be built along its 135 mile length. Because Dr. Neil Compton and members of the Ozark Society and others worked for years for its protection, today it is one of very few undammed and free-flowing rivers in the lower 48 states.

    Fast-forwarding across decades of change and heavy use of the river and its watershed brings us to the next huge battle to save the Buffalo, the existence of a hog CAFO (concentrated animal feeding operation) on a tributary of the river. Again Arkansas citizens had to come to the rescue, this time to save it from pollution, and after seven years and incalculable volunteer time, energy and money, the river is a lot safer, although still not as secure as it should be. Who’s minding its watershed?

    The U.S. Forest Service develops forest management plans, and its Robert’s Gap project comprises almost 40,000 acres in the Ozark National Forest. The headwaters of the Buffalo, White and Kings Rivers start in this project area so water quality protection here is crucial. Part of this area includes the public land that touches the Buffalo River and almost surrounds the federally designated Upper Buffalo Wilderness, which accounts for only 6% of this forest’s total acreage.

    Bordering the Upper Buffalo Wilderness are 3,000 acres with the potential of having that designation as well, if the land can sustain its wild characteristics. To that goal, both the Ozark Society and the Buffalo River Watershed Alliance are requesting that the Forest Service not build new roads nor do any of their planned timbering on these tracts so as not to destroy their chance for inclusion someday. In addition, the rugged and steep Edgemon Creek area and the Eagle Gap special interest area should be removed from timbering plans to protect their unique beauty and botanical richness.

    Prescribed burning, herbicide use, timber thinning, road and trail changes and old growth “regeneration” (cutting) are just a few of the management issues. All of these can be harmful near wilderness, detrimental to water and air quality and can trigger soil erosion. Although some of these consequences heal in time, some do not. Herein lies the age-old tug-of-war between managing forests as a crop for timber production vs. practicing forestry encompassing the entire ecosystem.

    Many who’ve long fought to protect the public’s forests oppose herbicide applications to target unwanted vegetation on thousands of acres. Chemicals like glyphosate (Roundup) are being banned in some countries because they might have carcinogenic effects. We need to apply this precautionary principle to any and all chemical use in our environment, not be lured into its clutches, succumbing to its charms of cheapness and convenience. Toxins pollute water, affect wells and can come in contact with farm animals, wildlife, and humans.

    The Buffalo River Watershed Alliance is recommending that this entire timber management project in this ecologically sensitive forest should be subject to an environmental impact statement before work is done.

    The Forest Service public comment deadline on the Robert’s Gap project is today, Sept. 8, so if you’d like to comment on how your national forest is managed, do it now. Tomorrow is too late.

    You may email me for copies of the comments from two organizations. This link has the Forest Service information about plans and alternatives: https://www.fs.usda.gov/nfs/11558/www/nepa/108859_FSPLT3_5331371.pdf

    And this email address is where you may submit comments no later than today (put “Robert’s Gap” in the subject line): comments-southern-ozark-stfrancis-bayou@usda.gov


    Fran Alexander is a Fayetteville resident with a longstanding interest in the environment and an opinion on almost anything else. Email her at fran@deane-alexander. com .

  • 16 Aug 2020 9:28 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    Revisions to rule on pollution in limbo

    At issue is U.S.’permit program

    by Joseph Flaherty 

    The Arkansas Department of Energy and Environment has no proposed timeline for revising a regulation needed for the state to maintain control of a Clean Water Act pollution permitting program.

    When Arkansas lawmakers in June rejected a proposal from the Energy and Environment Department to permanently ban medium and large hog farms from the Buffalo River watershed, they also inadvertently rejected proposed revisions to a state regulation related to the federal water permitting program known as the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System.

    The program regulates point sources of pollution into waters of the U.S. An entity wishing to discharge pollutants must obtain a permit under the program, either from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency or a state with EPA-delegated authority to issue permits, such as Arkansas.

    Now, the state Division of Environmental Quality will likely have to pursue the rule-making process again and bring the revised regulation back before the Legislature in order to stay in compliance with the federal permitting program, but it's unclear when that time-consuming process will take place, according to a Department of Energy and Environment spokesman.

    "The Department is still evaluating the best path forward for adoption of the NPDES program revisions and permanency of the moratorium," Energy and Environment Department spokesman Jacob Harper wrote in an email to the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette.

    Department Secretary Becky Keogh, who also serves as director of the Arkansas Division of Environmental Quality, previously told the Democrat-Gazette in July that officials are reviewing "the best path forward" for the proposed permanent moratorium, as well as for their obligations under the law.

    The permanent moratorium on medium and large hog farms in the watershed had the support of Gov. Asa Hutchinson and conservation groups, but it faced opposition from the Arkansas Farm Bureau.

    The state regulation governing the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System program in Arkansas is known as Regulation 6 under the current legal framework. If the Energy and Environment Department's proposed revisions are approved sometime in the future, then the name will change from Regulation 6 to Rule 6.

    The revisions to the state regulation, which the Legislature rejected earlier this summer, had incorporated changes in line with updated federal regulations.

    With regard to potential consequences for failing to update the water permitting regulation in the state, Harper wrote, "While there is a range of potential consequences for failing to comply with NPDES requirements, the most severe would be the revocation of the delegated program to the State."

    "At this time, the EPA has not raised the issue," he added.

    It's unknown when the delegated authority to administer the permits would revert from Arkansas back to the federal government if changes are not made.

    When asked about a deadline to make revisions, Harper wrote, "There is no known deadline."

    "Both the Department of Energy and Environment and DEQ maintain a good working relationship with our federal partners," he continued. "We are committed to doing what is necessary to maintain and properly administer all [of] our state-delegated programs."

    In an emailed statement Friday, an EPA spokesman from the agency's Region 6 in Dallas, which oversees Arkansas and other nearby states, said the Arkansas Division of Environmental Quality "is responsible for ensuring compliance with State and Federal requirements.”

    "EPA defers to ADEQ concerning inquiries regarding the state's NPDES program and compliance," the EPA's Joseph Hubbard wrote. "EPA believes states are best suited to run their NPDES programs."

    He did not respond to questions about whether the EPA has communicated with the Energy and Environment Department or other state authorities on the issue, and he did not mention the point in time when the EPA might consider revoking Arkansas' delegated authority to issue permits.

    It's "highly unlikely" that the EPA would rush to take over the permitting authority in Arkansas, according to Walter Wright, a Little Rock environmental lawyer with the firm Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates and Woodyard.

    Under this administration, "the feds, I assume, would give the state of Arkansas every break possible because the last thing they want to do is assume delegation of ... a state NPDES permitting program," Wright said in an interview Thursday. "They don't have the staffing or funding to take over that function."

    Even if the EPA had those resources, he said, the federal government would be making "fairly sensitive calls" about certain discretionary matters related to pollutant discharges.

    From an industry-efficiency standpoint, holders of permits support the state delegation of the program, not only because of local control but also because they can discuss issues with regulators who know the area, Wright said.

    As of last year, all the states surrounding Arkansas had fully authorized programs, according to an EPA map listing the system status of the states.

    Wright said he did not know of an exact timeline for when Arkansas would have to make the regulatory revisions to stay in compliance with the EPA, or risk losing the delegated permitting authority.

    He suggested the state would be highly motivated to make the changes and said legislators who took issue with the Buffalo River permanent hog farm moratorium would "have absolutely no problem" with the updated rule.

    "The state's always got the argument, 'Hey, do you want to deal with us or do you want to deal with the feds?'" Wright said.

  • 04 Aug 2020 2:37 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    KY3 TV

    Bass Pro’s Johnny Morris announces purchase of old Dogpatch USA, reveals vision

    SPRINGFIELD, Mo. (Edited News Release/KY3) -

    Noted conservationist and Bass Pro Shops founder Johnny Morris announced the purchase of the former Dogpatch USA theme park property in Newton County, Ark. 

    Morris says in a statement to KY3, plans for the property remain in the early stages of exploration. He says any possible future development will be an extension of Morris’ signature experiences help families connect to nature and each other. 

    “We are very excited to have the opportunity to restore, preserve and share this crown jewel of Arkansas and the Ozarks so everyone can further enjoy the wonderful region we call home,” said Morris. “We’re going to take our time to restore the site, dream big and imagine the possibilities to help more families get back to nature through this historic and cherished place.” 

    The site is located near the legendary Buffalo National River, which flows through 135 miles of breathtaking natural scenery. One of the few remaining un-damned rivers in the lower 48 states, the Buffalo is the first river to receive special designation from the National Park Service. Dogpatch USA opened in 1967 as a theme park featuring a trout farm, horseback rides, and various amusement rides and attractions. During the height of its popularity in the late 60s, the destination attracted 300,000 annual visitors, but attendance gradually declined before closing in 1993. While there have been numerous owners, the site has been vacant for the past several years with many of the remaining structures in a dilapidated state. 

    The property’s next chapter will be an ode to the heritage of the Ozarks and the abundant wildlife and natural beauty found here. One top priority is restoration of the large natural spring and bringing back to life the renowned trout hatchery and many future fishing opportunities. 

  • 15 Jul 2020 12:15 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    Hog farm strategies weighed

    Agency studying ‘best path’ on ban

    by Joseph Flaherty | July 15, 2020 at 3:26 a.m.

    State environmental regulators are still weighing how to proceed with a proposed permanent ban on medium and large hog farms in the Buffalo River watershed, one month after the proposal was handed a resounding defeat in the Arkansas Legislature.

    In an interview on Tuesday, Beck Keogh, secretary of the Energy and Environment Department, said that at this point, the department is evaluating "how that proposal can continue."

    According to Keogh, officials are exploring options to determine what is required of the agency, as well as "the best path forward" regarding the permanent moratorium.

    Last month, lawmakers on the Administration Rules Subcommittee of the Arkansas Legislative Council expressed reservations about the potential chilling effects a permanent ban on industrial-scale hog farming in the prized northern Arkansas watershed might have on agriculture throughout the state, and they voted to effectively kill the proposal.

    The full Legislative Council, which serves as the General Assembly's oversight body when it is out of session, affirmed the decision two days later on June 19.

    The effort by state regulators to permanently ban hog farms in the Buffalo River watershed had the support of conservationists as well as Gov. Asa Hutchinson, a Republican. But the Arkansas Farm Bureau had consistently opposed the measure.

    C&H Hog Farms , a large confined animal-feeding operation on a tributary of the Buffalo River, closed in January as a result of a deal with the state. The closure followed years of controversy, as environmentalists raised concerns that hog waste stored on the property would foul water quality.

    The proposed ban would have forever barred certain categories of medium and large hog farms from the watershed: those with 750 or more swine weighing 55 pounds or more, or with 3,000 or more swine weighing less than 55 pounds.

    Keogh said the position held by regulators is that a temporary moratorium on hog farms remains in place and will stay in place until rules are modified to eliminate it.

    A five-year ban on medium and large hog farms near the Buffalo River was previously approved by the Arkansas Pollution Control and Ecology Commission in 2015. The temporary ban required environmental regulators to either make the ban permanent or abandon it after five years.

    Keogh said her understanding is that as the director of the Division of Environmental Quality, she is required to take action on the hog farm measure five years after the effective date of the temporary ban, which would mean addressing the issue by September.

    "That is the date we're looking at closely to make sure that we're in compliance with that rule-making," Keogh said.

    Speaking to legislators last month as they considered the permanent ban, Keogh implied that if lawmakers rejected the measure, her agency would bring the proposal back using the rule-making process, if that was required.

    On Tuesday, Keogh said there is still an open question as to what is required under the current regulations.

    At the moment, she said, officials are still evaluating whether the agency must bring back the proposed permanent moratorium again in the fall, or if the Environmental Quality Department's efforts have already satisfied the requirement included in the 2015 temporary ban.

    Asked why the agency does not know the next step at this time considering the proposed ban failed in the Legislature weeks ago, Keogh said she has asked her officials to evaluate it. She also emphasized that officials want to ensure the rule-making will be consistent with the law while respecting the General Assembly's role.

    "We hope to have an answer very soon," she said, adding that she could not give a specific date when officials will know more.

    "I think we can be assured that in this period of time, we still have a moratorium in place," Keogh said.

    Keogh said officials involved with studying the issue include Shane Khoury, the Energy and Environment Department's chief counsel, as well as Pollution Control and Ecology Commission Administrative Law Judge Charles Moulton.

    Complicating the Legislature's rejection of the permanent hog farm ban is the fact that by rejecting revisions to Rules Five and Six, which together made up the proposed permanent ban, the Legislature also rejected revisions to Rule Six related to a federal pollutant discharge permitting program.

    Those rule changes included revisions needed to bring Arkansas in compliance with updated federal regulations governing pollutant discharge under the Clean Water Act, rules known as the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System.

    At some point, Arkansas will have to approve these revisions to put the state in conformity with requirements from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency that allow the delegation of regulatory enforcement to the state, Keogh said.

    For regulated entities that discharge pollution into water, permitting authority being held by the federal government versus the state is an important distinction, Keogh said.

    She explained, "It's always been their preference, as well as the Legislature's preference, that Arkansas retain that delegation and implement the program at the local level," rather than have the EPA implement the program in lieu of state regulators, Keogh said.

    Keogh said officials with the state agency's Office of Water Quality are monitoring the situation closely and are in communication with the EPA.

    Despite the support of conservationists and the governor, lawmakers' recent rejection of the permanent hog farm ban appears to have sent the measure into a kind of limbo, at least until the Energy and Environment Department finalizes its strategy.

    In an emailed statement provided by a spokeswoman on Tuesday, Khoury told the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, "While the moratorium remains in place, we continue to evaluate what's required of additional rule-making regarding the moratorium and adoption of federal requirements in Rule 6."

    After legislators on the Administrative Rules Subcommittee rejected the proposal, Hutchinson in a statement said the measure "is designed to protect for generations to come one of our most important national resources."

    "The rule presented by the Pollution, Control & Ecology Commission was adopted after public comment and multiple hearings and reviews," Hutchinson said at the time. "It is my hope that the General Assembly will reconsider its initial decision and approve the rule."

  • 09 Jul 2020 6:26 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    OPINION: Guest writer

    Stand for the river Factory farms and the Buffalo


    Arkansas finds itself faced with a neat conundrum: Whether to take up arms (figuratively) against a ruthless and ruinous tyranny, or to do nothing and allow one of our most precious treasures to remain vulnerable to the grasping, voracious, insatiable hunger of the giant corporation.

    Our Legislature has voted to not make permanent the protection of the Buffalo National River watershed from the incursion of factory hog farms and their like, possibly leading to irreversible pollution and degradation of a local and national treasure.

    One needs to place this consideration within its larger context, which is the unchecked power of corporations to damage and destroy the natural world in the name of profit and with the specious argument that what they do is "for the good of the people."

    I begin by quoting Mr. Wendell Berry, acclaimed poet and essayist whose writings about the natural world have placed before us a moral code which arises from a balanced, bonded, deeply respectful and nuanced relationship with the earth. In "The World-Ending Fire: The Essential Wendell Berry," he speaks of the factory hog farm and its relationship with the natural world: "Like a strip mine, a hog factory exists in utter indifference to the landscape. Its purpose, as an animal factory, is to exclude from consideration both the nature of the place where it is and the nature of hogs. That it is a factory means that it could be in any place, and that the hog is a 'unit of production.' ... [T]he explicit purpose of the hog factory is to violate nature. ... But when you exclude compassion from agriculture, what have you done? Have you not removed something ultimately of the greatest practical worth?"

    The factory hog farm which placed the Buffalo River in grave danger--and which is still endangered because of the Legislature's refusal to make permanent a ban on such agriculture within the Buffalo River drainage basin--was permitted by the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality without geological, biological, or environmental study, without public debate, and without any consideration of its possible effects upon the Buffalo River; even the most cursory examination of the landscape in which this hog farm was placed would have revealed that it was to be built upon a geological karst formation, which is porous limestone perforated with holes, caves, and fissures which allow a free runoff and underground channeling of field waste into the surface and underground water table. Such runoff can and does travel for miles downstream, and eventually into the Buffalo River.

    After little more than a year, it was already revealed that the enormous amount of hog feces sprayed across local fields, housed in large catchment basins, and aerated into the atmosphere had already impacted the river. Algae blooms of the kind which this waste produces were seen in the streams that feed the Buffalo River and in the river itself.

    But Mr. Berry raises a much larger question here as well. It is a moral question about the presence of compassion in both the agriculture industry and in the regulatory bodies which provide regulations checking the influence and effect of large factory farms upon the natural environment.

    Ultimately it is about the voters of Arkansas and the presence of compassion in them when it comes to protecting the Earth, and in our case, one of our most sacred and precious treasures: the Buffalo River.

    Are we so blinded and hardened by our superficial political and ideological prejudices that we will allow our Legislature to continue to endanger and refuse to protect the long-term beauty and sanctity of its natural treasures? It appears that our political representatives have sold their souls to the highest bidder, whether the payment is in money or power or position. There is no lie bald-faced enough to make us believe this decision was made "for the good of the people."

    Finally, I quote again Mr. Berry: "The hog factory attempts to be a totally rational, which is to say a totally economic, enterprise. It strips away from animal life and human work every purpose, every benefit too, that is not economic ... to be replaced by a totalitarian economy with its neat, logical concepts of world-as-factory and life-as-commodity."

    A compassionate heart, a compassionate electorate, a body of voters whose love of nature and of the Buffalo River is great enough will not, must not, cannot allow others to rationalize about the "good-for-the-people" uses of such a farm, but will repudiate any such use of public land for the sole purpose of corporate profit.

    My heart is in the river, and I am making a stand for her.


    Dr. Robert Moore is emeritus professor of English at the University of Arkansas at Monticello.

  • 29 Jun 2020 1:45 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    RICHARD MASON: The Legislature strikes again

    I'm nervous when the Legislature is in session. I thought this year would be different, but when I opened my iPad to the paper and read the story that a Ledge committee is reopening the door to polluting the Buffalo National River, I was shocked.
    Then the next day another committee, by voice vote, confirmed the previous committee's decision to not make a moratorium on factory hog farms permanent. I guess, by voice vote, they kept from going on record as being anti-Buffalo National River.
    The moratorium would not have any effect on farming or livestock operations occurring today. It would only keep large factory farms from locating on the river's watershed. It's hard to imagine why either committee wouldn't ask qualified scientists the reasons for the moratorium. Sooner or later the river will be polluted if the moratorium is lifted, leaving the door open for another potential disaster.
    A large portion of the watershed topography is the Boone Formation. Originally, the site approved for the now closed factory hog farm didn't have a review by a geologist. The staff geologist had just retired when the permit was received by the Department of Environmental Quality, and he later wrote a letter to the department saying the permit should never have been granted.
    In a column last year, I discussed the problem of the hog farm site and the 11 fields where the manure of the factory farm was spread, which is why a permanent ban should be put in place. A significant part of the upper Buffalo National River's watershed drains from a karst topography, a cherty calcified limestone which weathers into cracks, voids, and caverns.
    Water, or anything that is placed on this rock formation, either runs downhill to a stream and eventually flows into the Buffalo or seeps into the underlying rocks, flowing through interconnected cracks and voids, and ends up in the Buffalo. That's the problem. It's Geology 101. A freshman from the University of Arkansas could have told the legislative committee the reason the moratorium should be made permanent.
    But the committee's eternal wisdom overrode science, and its members voted not to make the moratorium permanent. Of course, they received deeply considered advice from the Arkansas Farm Bureau. By the way, if the Legislature hasn't come up with a state snake, I have a nomination.
    If you are one of the committee who voted not to make the moratorium permanent, your actions speak louder than the I-love-the-river statements. You don't love the river.
    But evidently Senator Missy Irvin is a geologist, because she says, "This [the moratorium] is not the problem ... I've experienced it, I've lived it, I know it, and I see what's happening."
    I've lived it too--swam and fished in the river, walked those outcrops of Swiss cheese limestone, did a geologic surface map of a 36-square-mile quad in the area, and I'm a professional geologist with a master's degree. You and the rest of the no-voters on the committee are saying you know better than a professional geologist?
    It is inconceivable that when you have something scientific to vote on, you don't listen to experts and pretend you know better than they do. Valid geologic facts make the case for a permanent moratorium. If you don't make it permanent, sooner or later a similar operation to the hog farm will be sited on the watershed and the river will be polluted, and it will be your fault.
    You join the long list of folks who tried to kill or wound the river. Back in the 1970s the River Killers (that's the Corps of Engineers) were going to put yet another dinosaur lake in the state, and it was going to be Lake Buffalo. But thanks to Dr. Neil Compton of Bentonville and hundreds of others who joined the fight to stop the dam, the river was spared.
    A few years later another threat reared its ugly head. I'd just been appointed to the State Pollution Control and Ecology Commission, and one of the first orders of business was to approve a permit for a landfill called the Pindall Landfill. It was to be located on the Buffalo River's watershed.
    I worked with the Ozark Society and the Arkansas Wildlife Federation and countless other concerned Arkansawyers, and the Commission turned down the permit. Scientific studies showed almost all landfills eventually leak, and if the Pindall Landfill leaked, it would drain directly into the river. Once again the Buffalo was saved, this time from pollution, and I figured after that fight the river would always be protected.
    Boy, was I wrong! Because a hog farm that seemed no one was aware of was given a permit, and the Buffalo was on the ropes again. It wasn't just the runoff that would be a problem, but the waste from 6,500 hogs spread on 11 fields, which would seep into the underlying karst topography, and eventually end up in the Buffalo.
    Yes, water runs downhill! The hundreds of springs that you see flowing into the river are carrying water from throughout the Buffalo National River's watershed, and the water from fields where hog manure is spread is carrying waste. That water percolates through the sub-surface into the river.
    As the hog farm threat to pollute the Buffalo became apparent, the people of Arkansas--the thousands who wrote the governor and the Department of Environmental Quality--shut it down. Governor Hutchinson finally pulled the trigger, something he should have done several years earlier, because by the time he did so huge amounts of the polluted underground water had already made its way into the subsurface toward Big Creek and eventually to the Buffalo.
    It will take years, probably decades, to reverse the damage already done to the river. I don't recommend drinking the river's water, folks.
    We thought the river would never face another threat, but the "no moratorium" voters on the committee are leaving the door wide open. You no-voters are aligning yourselves with the Corps of Engineers who wanted to dam the river and with the Pindall Landfill potential polluters.
    Make no bones about it, you don't love the Buffalo.
    Email Richard Mason at richard@gibraltarenergy.com.
  • 20 Jun 2020 7:08 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    MASTERSON ONLINE: Acting against our river

    On Wednesday a body of elected lawmakers in the Legislative Council's Administrative Rules Subcommittee voted against approving the procedures necessary to make permanent the governor's proposed moratorium on medium- and large-scale factories in our Buffalo National River watershed.
    That was preceded days earlier by legislators with the House and Senate Public Health, Welfare and Labor committees refusing to even review the ban.
    So both sets of lawmakers refused to endorse the enduring moratorium on placing pork factories (concentrated animal feeding operations is what they actually are, rather than the intentional misnomer of a farm).
    So here we go yet again, fellow Arkansans, as elected officials refuse to protect one of our state's most precious resources and attractions, the first national river in America. Unbelievable, eh?
    And take a guess who was openly behind the move to resist this moratorium? Oh, go ahead, a wild stab ... good guess! The Arkansas Farm Bureau, which has steadfastly opposed any measures designed to eliminate hog factories from this particular sacred watershed, including the now thankfully defunct C&H Hog Farms, which the state rightfully bought out months back.
    One lawmaker making news over the legislators' actions was Waldron's Terry Rice, who news stories said opposed the Buffalo watershed moratorium because he believes implementing one could bring a "chilling effect" on Arkansas agriculture. Oh, come now ,Terry.
    In other words, by protecting this specific karst-riddled and fragile watershed from hog waste for all Arkansans (and much of America) to enjoy in the future, it would somehow intimidate hog producers (especially these notoriously polluting factories; see North Carolina) from practicing their chosen livelihoods in far more appropriate locations. I say hogwash.
    It's the age-old "slippery slope" argument that basically says if you give an inch they'll take a mile. It has no bearing whatsoever on protecting this watershed and preventing its ruin in years to come. When I checked, this proposed permanent moratorium applies only to our Buffalo National River, which brings millions of visitors to its flow, who in turn leave behind even more millions of dollars in our state. Anyone know of another river with this ability?
    So obviously in this never-ending struggle to simply protect the Buffalo, it is time yet again for the good people of Arkansas to make their voices heard in Little Rock by reaching out to their local lawmakers and the governor, who admirably proposed and supports this needed moratorium for a very good reason. This magnificent stream obviously cannot speak for herself.
    Gordon Watkins, head of the Buffalo River Watershed Alliance, one of many groups opposed to C&H, was understandably troubled by the earlier decision by the Public Health, Welfare and Labor committees not to review the proposed moratorium.
    "Things are not looking good for the permanent moratorium," he told me. "Farm Bureau and special interests have cast the lure of 'right to farm,' and legislators have swallowed the bait, a red herring in this case.
    "In fact, there are only 206 farms statewide with liquid animal waste permits. And only some of which are hog operations (of course, none in the Buffalo watershed). The reality is no existing farms anywhere in the state would be affected by the [Buffalo watershed] moratorium."
    Watkins and I strongly agree that the fact the people of Arkansas who elect these public servants to govern honorably were not allowed to offer their comments over such a deeply controversial matter is unacceptable and should trouble all of us.
    "Other committees make provisions for public participation, but not Public Health," Watkins said.
    The final, most critical step, was slated to happen when the Arkansas Legislative Council (ALC) met Friday, which was after deadline for this column.
    What a disgrace it would be not to place the Buffalo watershed under a permanent moratorium for medium- and large-scale hog factories, thus ignoring the governor's well-reasoned support of this idea.
    Other than a seemingly endless quest to save ego and face in light of C&H being bought out by the state, I don't understand why any committee, agency, bureau or group would want to continue threatening this fragile and valuable watershed that regularly brings millions of visitors and dollars to a relatively impoverished area of our state.