• 16 Feb 2014 1:37 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    "Rethink that Permit " by
    Mike Masterson In the Northwest Arkansas Times February 16, 2014

    The unbelievable saga of the Cargill-sponsored hog factory our state wrongheadedly permitted in the Buffalo National River watershed just became more twisted where reason and common sense are concerned. (As if that were possible.)

    Now we read that attorneys for the national law firm Earthjustice (representing four public-interest groups) sent a letter last week to the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality (cough) that spelled out alleged misrepresentations and problems with the permit this agency so quickly and quietly issued to the controversial hog factory.

    And this latest development means the entire matter of the permit likely will be reopened for public hearings.

    Among the Earthjustice concerns was a real doozy. C&H Hog Farms said in the nutrient management plan of its permit application that it had access to 17 fields around the 6,500-swine factory on which to spray tons of the resulting waste. However, the rightful owners of three of those 17 fields say they never gave permission to C&H to use their property.

    It gets worse. Last year our state agreed to spend over 500,000 of our tax dollars to monitor water quality around this factory.

    University of Arkansas researchers began testing on three fields.

    And, you guessed it, two of those three belong to those who denied their permission in the first place. (And none of those three fields being tested had even received waste applications.) Huh?

    Farmers and landowners around little Mount Judea, which borders the C&H factory, wrote to the university last week asking its researchers to stop testing and water monitoring on the fields where C&H was denied approval.

    Moreover, the letter to the Department of Environmental Quality contends that the agency and C&H owners have known about the ownership issues and even acknowledged as much in inspection reports. So just what the whole-hog, half-ham has been going on here?

    As a result of these alleged misrepresentations in the permit, Earthjustice says it has presented the state agency with legitimate reasons to reconsider the permit issued late in the summer of 2012. They are seeking a public review and full reconsideration of the permit.

    In a resulting news release, Ozark Society President Bob Cross of Fayetteville said: “The people of Arkansas and the university research team have been seriously misled … both ADEQ and C&H previously knew that three fields were improperly identified as fields set to receive manure applications. So why did they erroneously allow the University of Arkansas research team to use these fields to conduct monitoring and consequently waste a lot of taxpayer money?”

    Nothing I see worth arguing over. Just answer one simple question:Why would you allow such nonsense to stand up in the permitting process?

    Earthjustice lawyers concluded: “Public involvement and transparency from the start could well have prevented the ill-advised siting of a factory farm in the watershed of the treasured Buffalo National River and the subsequent waste of taxpayer dollars to monitor and study the facility.”

    The Earthjustice and activists’ concerns extend to a ground-penetrating radar study by the university’s team which shows evidence of subsurface features capable of allowing water contaminated by hog manure to rapidly travel into adjacent surface waters rather than being absorbed into field crops, as the factory’s disposal plan shows. Big Creek (a major tributary of the Buffalo National River) runs adjacent to some application fields and close to others.

    “C&H is contracted with Cargill, one of the world’s largest privately owned businesses, which had sales and other revenues of $136.7 billion in fiscal year 2013 alone,” says the letter of complaint. “Despite this, C&H put taxpayers on the line for $3.4 million in federal loan guarantees in order to obtain a loan for construction.”

    Earthjustice says the Department of Environmental Quality granted C&H coverage under a state general permit on August 3, 2012. And that permitting process flew under the radar and was devoid of public participation.

    Now the hog factory is seeking what amounts to more than a half-million dollars in taxpayer assistance to conduct the water-quality monitoring studies around its facility “that could and should have been performed by C&H and Cargill before the permit application was ever filed and before ADEQ granted any permit,” Earthjustice so correctly adds.

    “In short, C&H, contracted with a corporation worth billions, has now cost the Arkansan taxpayers more than half a million dollars and continues to rely on the public [treasury] to address problems that it and ADEQ should have addressed before the permitting of an industrial-sized hog facility in the karst terrain of the Buffalo River watershed. In exchange, C&H has created six local jobs.”

    So there you have the latest installment in this unbelievably cartoonish drama I hereby propose we title “ Buffalo before Swine.” -
  • 12 Feb 2014 10:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    State testing wrong fields near hog farm, opponents of operation say

    Posted by Max Brantley on Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 9:36 AM

    WRONG WAY: Opponents say environmental testing is being done of land that isn't receiving waste from C and H hog feeder operation.
    WRONG WAY: Opponents say environmental testing is being done of land that isn't receiving waste from C and H hog feeder operation.
    A coalition of groups fighting the Cargill-backed hog feeder operation in the watershed of the Buffalo National River in Newton County issued a news release blasting the state's effort to monitor water quality in the area. It said the state is testing property unaffected by spreading of hog manure.

    This makes the state's spending on the project, encouraged by Gov. Mike Beebe, a waste of money, the groups say.

    The group, which is suing over the environmental assessment done for the farm's permit, said this is just the latest in a series of mistakes, omissions and flaws in the regulatory process that improperly allowed the mass feeding operation to go forward. the group wants the permitting process reopened.

    Its full release follows.

    Newly Released Arkansas C & H Water Monitoring Study Used Taxpayer Money to Test Wrong Fields for Hog Waste Contamination

    Coalition calls on state to fully reopen C & H’s permitting process; Local citizens ask University of Arkansas to cease unauthorized testing on their land

    Mt. Judea, Arkansas – Earlier today, a coalition of public interest groups sent a letter to Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) Director Teresa Marks pointing out misrepresentations around the permitting of C & H Hog Farms – a 6,500-swine facility in the Buffalo National River watershed. As a result of these misrepresentations, which reports show occurred as recently as January, the coalition is urging the agency to fully reopen the permitting process for C & H. In addition, a letter was sent this week by Mt. Judea farmers and landowners to a University of Arkansas research team studying the impacts of the C & H operation. The landowners asked that the research team cease water monitoring and testing that is currently underway on their land and that was never approved by the property owners.

    Last year, Arkansas approved the spending of over half a million dollars in taxpayer money for water monitoring around C & H. As part of the facility’s nutrient management plan (NMP) submitted and approved by ADEQ, C & H claimed to have access to 17 fields to dispose of their hog waste. However, property owners of land in three of those fields had declined permission to use their properties as manure sprayfields when they were initially approached by C & H. Remarkably, two of those three fields have since been identified as the focus of the state-funded University of Arkansas water monitoring project, despite the fact that they have not and will never receive C & H waste. This has occurred while both ADEQ and C & H had knowledge of the ownership issues with the fields identified in the NMP, as acknowledged in subsequent compliance inspection reports.

    “The people of Arkansas and the university research team have been seriously misled,” said Ozark Society President Robert Cross. “We’ve learned that both ADEQ and C & H previously knew that three fields were improperly identified as fields set to receive manure applications. So why did they erroneously allow the University of Arkansas research team to use these fields to conduct monitoring and consequently waste a lot of taxpayer money?”

    In its first quarterly report sent to the governor this week, the University of Arkansas research team noted that they have already accessed one of the falsely-identified properties for research and monitoring, and plan to conduct further testing on these fields moving forward.

    The aforementioned letter sent by Mt. Judea landowners to the University of Arkansas states: “We have not granted permission for C & H to use our lands as manure sprayfields, nor have we granted permission for the Big Creek Research Team to access our lands to perform research on the impacts of the C & H facility. We request that your Team immediately cease all activities on our property and seek our approval before accessing our properties in the future.”

    In June of last year, well-known Arkansas hydrogeologist Dr. John Van Brahana called on ADEQ to suspend C & H’s permit to address “significant omissions and potential problems.” While Dr. Brahana proposed a research program to assess the water quality of the region to more fully understand the impacts of the facility before field application began, his offers were bypassed – with the state instead opting to fund a University of Arkansas monitoring program that costs taxpayers over half a million dollars to identify issues after the fact. Brahana has moved forward with testing with his own money and support from other organizations.

    “The more we look into this permitting process for C & H, the more flaws, misrepresentations, and omissions we’re finding that allowed this hog facility to fly through under the radar,” said Earthjustice attorney Hannah Chang. “This whole monitoring process is such a huge waste of taxpayer money and one that our coalition warned about when the water testing was originally proposed by the state. Given these recent discoveries of serious missteps and scientific research that validates our environmental concerns, we are urging ADEQ to fully reopen the permitting process for C & H Hog Farms.”

    C & H is under contract with Cargill – the largest privately held company in the nation and the sole customer for the facility. Public pressure has been mounting against both Cargill and ADEQ to remove the facility from its current location, with billboards, rallies and petitions appearing across the state. Both ADEQ and Cargill have steadfastly supported the location of the facility, though ADEQ Director Teresa Marks readily admitted in a December New York Times article that “some of this waste could reach the Buffalo River.” In the same article, Dr. Brahana, whose experience with such matters is considerable, was much more explicit, saying: “There is a probably greater than 95 percent chance that we are going to see impacts of degraded water quality and major environmental degradation.”

    In another equally important facet of this case, the coalition opposing C & H filed a lawsuit in August of 2013 challenging the U.S. Department of Agriculture Farm Service Agency (FSA) and the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) for their inadequate review and improper authorization of loan guarantee assistance to C&H. In providing federal assistance, SBA undertook no environmental review, while FSA prepared a deeply flawed and insufficient environmental assessment that fails to comply with the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act. The agencies also failed to consult with the superintendent at Buffalo National River, as required by law.

    “We’re not talking about a bunch of conservationists who are the only ones opposed to this hog factory,” said Buffalo River Watershed Alliance member Dane Schumacher. “The letter from local landowners illustrates how C & H Hog Farms is already impacting life for local Mt. Judea farmers. Opposition is being driven by those most affected by this operation, and it’s time ADEQ and C & H listen to their concerns.”

    Today’s letter was sent by Earthjustice, Earthrise Law Center, and local attorney Hank Bates on behalf of the Buffalo River Watershed Alliance, National Parks Conservation Association, The Ozark Society and Arkansas Canoe Club.

    To read the letter the coalition sent to ADEQ, as well as the letter sent by local landowners to the University of Arkansas, click here.

    For the University of Arkansas’s flawed initial report on water quality testing, click here.

    For background on the lawsuit, click here.
  • 11 Feb 2014 6:19 PM | Anonymous
    It's the Location
    Democrat-Gazette-February 11, 2014
    I've got to smile whenever I read how some lobbyists and others with special-interest agendas try to make it seem in news stories as if
    public opposition (including my own) to the hog factory placed in the precious Buffalo National River watershed, when our state's Department of Environmental Quality (cough) quickly and quietly permitted that mega-waste-producer in such a sensitive location, somehow equals wide-spread opposition to hog farms and Cargill.  Talk about a crimson oinker (pork version of a red herring).
    Once again for the record, the only protests in this instance are over the wrongheaded location of this particular swine factory, not the farmers or hog farming itself. Period. End of sentence.

  • 09 Feb 2014 12:02 PM | Anonymous
    ADEQ notified C&H yesterday of a necessary permit modification with a new notice of intent and nutrient management plan.  This will be a major modification requiring a public notice on ADEQ's website with a 30-day comment period.  We will post when public notice has been made and comment period is open.  Access letter at link below:
  • 09 Feb 2014 2:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    By Ryan McGeeney

    Posted: February 9, 2014 at 1:41 a.m.

    A lawsuit seeking a new environmental assessment of the possible effect of a Newton County hog farm on its natural surroundings has moved one step closer to resolution.

    Judge D.P. Marshall Jr., a federal judge in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Western Arkansas Division in Little Rock, issued a finalized legal-proceedings schedule Wednesday in Buffalo River Watershed Alliance, et al., v. Department of Agriculture, et al.

    The schedule is the 25th document filed in the case that began in August when Earthjustice, a nonprofit environmental litigation group, filed suit against defendants that include the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the U.S. Small Business Administration and several top administrators in branches throughout both agencies.

    The lawsuit questions the validity of the environmental impact study conducted by the Farm Service Agency in support of loan guarantees that were issued to the owners of C&H Hog Farms, a concentrated animal feeding operation built last year in Mount Judea. The farm, which is permitted by the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality to house about 2,500 full-grown sows and as many as 4,000 piglets at any one time, is near Big Creek, a major tributary to the Buffalo National River. In addition to seeking a new environmental impact study, the suit asks the court to enjoin the loan guarantees.

    According to documents previously filed in the case, on March 6 lawyers for the plaintiffs are to file a request for summary judgment asking the judge to issue a ruling in their favor with out them presenting additional evidence in the case, along with a brief supporting their argument. On April 7, lawyers for the defendants are scheduled to file a motion opposing the request for summary judgment.

    While the suit, which grew out of a public outcry over the Environmental Quality Department’s decision to issue a wastewater permit to a facility that’s estimated to generate more than 2 million gallons of manure a year near a national park, and a perceived lack of adequate public notice, it’s likely thathog farming in Arkansas will remain essentially unchanged.

    The production facility, which contracts with Cargill Inc. to provide weaned piglets for eventual processing as pork, is surrounded by about 630 acres of grasslands on which C&H Farms operators are permitted to spread the hog manure as fertilizer. According to an inspection dated Jan. 23, operators at C&H Hog Farms began spreading the manure in late December 2013, applying more than 100,000 gallons of the waste on 40 acres between Dec. 27 and Jan. 20.

    Although C&H Hog Farms is the first and only operation in Arkansas to receive a general permit for concentrated animal feeding operations under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, Arkansas began regulating similar operations in 1992 under "Regulation 5" individual permits. Federal permits for concentrated animal feeding operations didn’tappear until 2003, according to Environmental Protection Agency documents. The initial regulations were finalized in 2008.

    According to the state department’s permit database, there are more than 260 facilities in the state that have active individual permits for concentrated animal feeding operations.

    Nearly three-quarters of those are hog operations. Most of the rest are either dairy farms or chicken egg producers. Only one farm - at the Arkansas Department of Corrections Cummins Unit in Grady - has a Regulation 5 permit for general livestock.

    Sevier and Howard counties have the most Regulation 5 hog farms in the state, with more than 50 active individual permits for concentrated animal feeding operations between those two counties. But hog farms dot the northwestern half of the state. And though much of the public debate over C&H Hog Farms centers on the wisdom of having a large farm so close to a river, there have been multiple Regulation 5 concentrated animal feeding operations within the river’s watershed for decades.

    Mike Martin, a Cargill spokesman, said neither public debate nor the ongoing lawsuit are likely to affect the company’s decisions regarding farm contracts in Arkansas. "Cargill currently has no plan to significantly alter its hog production footprint in Arkansas," Martin said. He said the company considers many factors when working with contract farms, and the regulatory environment is only one of them.

    Martin said Cargill currently has contracts with 87 hog farms in Arkansas, and that C&H Hog Farms is "a relatively small [concentrated animal feeding operation] by today’s standards."

    Regardless of the success or failure of Earthjustice’s suit against the USDA, the case is likely to have very little of an effect on the future of hog farming in Arkansas, said Steve Eddington, a spokesman for the Arkansas Farm Bureau.

    "I don’t hear complaints about environmental regulations, other than that they’re in place, and they’ve got to comply," Eddington said of farmers. "I’m not hearing, ‘Well, I’m not going to do this because of the environmental regulations.’"

    Eddington said the biggest thing that affected hog farming in the state was the decision by Tyson Foods Inc. more than a decade ago to stop contracting with hog farmers in the region.Tyson Foods was a major "integrator" in terms of buying weaned piglets from multiple farmers for slaughter operations.

    In 2002, Tyson began phasing out contracts with more than 130 hog farmers in Arkansas and Oklahoma, according to previous Arkansas Democrat-Gazette articles. The move meant that Arkansas ceased being a primary pork-producing state. Between 2004 and 2013, hog inventory in the state fell from more than 325,000 head to about 115,000, while overall U.S. farmed hog inventory rose from about 60 million head to about 66 million over that same time period.

    Jerry Masters, executive vice president of the Arkansas Pork Producers Association, said the effect of Tyson’s decision on independent hog farmers was felt immediately.

    At one time "we were 10th in the nation in hog production," Masters said. "When Tyson pulled out, we lost 65 percent of production in just a few months. Now, we’re not in the top 20. It was a dramatic, dramatic change in the industry in our state."

    Masters said current efforts to change the notification requirements for concentrated animal feeding operations in the state are unlikely to dissuade future generations of farmers from entering the business. "I really don’t think it’ll have an effect," Masters said. "Agriculture is more than a job or career, it’s a way of life."

    One result of the public outcry over the permitting process for C&H Hog Farms was the creation of a special committee, appointed by Gov. Mike Beebe, to make recommendations to the state Legislative Council about changes in notification policies regarding future concentrated animal feeding operations permits.

    Environmental Quality Department spokesman Katherine Benenati said the five-member committee met twice last year - on Nov. 18 and Dec. 20 - and submitted its recommendations to the Legislative Council on Jan. 16, after reviewing comments received during a public comment period.

    Ross Noland, a lawyer with the Little Rock-based lobbying group Arkansas Policy Panel and a member of the recommendation committee, said the committee’s recommendations were based in large part on practices in neighboring states. The recommendations included requiring permit applicants to notify property owners adjacent to the proposed facility, the county judge of the facility’s county, mayors of all municipalities within 10 miles of the site, and the superintendents of the school district that serves the area in question.

    A co-chairman of the Legislative Council, state Sen. Bill Sample, R-Hot Springs, said the recommendations report won’t be discussed until the legislative fiscal session ends, probably in March or April. At that point, Sample said, the report will likely be referred to a standing committee, such as the Budget Committee, for review. That committee will then report its recommendations back to the Legislative Council.

    Another outcome from public concern over C&H Hog Farms was the allocation of more than $340,000 in state funds to conduct extensive, ongoing water and soil testing in and around the Big Creek Watershed. Andrew Sharpley, a professor with the University of Arkansas Department of Crop, Soil and Environmental Sciences, was appointed to lead the Big Creek Research and Extension Team.

    Sharpley said his research team had been working with residents, who have been collecting weekly water samples since September 2013 to establish "baseline data" for water quality in Big Creek, the Buffalo National River and some wells in the area.

    Sharpley said the samples are analyzed at a UA laboratory in Fayetteville for nitrogen phosphates, ammonia nitrate, e.coli and a number of nutrients. Sharpley said periodically researchers will send "blind samples" to other EPA-certified labs in the region to verify their overall findings.

    On Friday, the researchers released their first quarterly report, which primarily detailed existing conditions in the area. According to the report, the team will begin installing surface and subsurface monitoring equipment during the coming quarter.

    Northwest Arkansas, Pages 11 on 02/09/2014

  • 08 Feb 2014 2:01 PM | Anonymous



    ADEQ has made  a 2nd inspection report for C&H.  Below is an edited version.  To see entire inspection go to  "Documents & Videos" and "ADEQ Compliance Inspection #2"


    January 28, 2014

    Mr. Jason Henson, Owner

    C&H Hog Farms

    HC 72 Box 10

    Mount Judea, AR 72655

    RE: Compliance Inspection/Complain Investigation

    AFIN: 51-00164 Permit No.: ARG590001

    Dear Mr. Henson:

    On January 23, 2014 I performed a compliance inspection of the above referenced facility in accordance with the provisions of the Arkansas Water and Air Pollution Control Act, and the regulations promulgated thereunder. Additionally as part of the inspection I reviewed application field17 in response to a complaint the Department received on January 16, 2014.  A copy of the inspection and complaint reports are enclosed for your records.

     Please refer to the “Summary of Findings” section of the attached inspection report and provide a written response for each violation that was noted. This response should be mailed to the attention of the Water Division Inspection Branch at the address at the bottom of this letter or emailed to Water-Inspection-Report@adeq.state.ar.us. This response should contain documentation describing the course of action taken to correct each item noted. This corrective action should be completed as soon as possible, and the written response with all necessary documentation (i.e.photos) is due by February 11, 2014.

     If I can be of any assistance, please contact me at bolenbaugh@adeq.state.ar.us or 501-682-0659.


    Jason Bolenbaugh

    Inspection Branch Manager

    Water Division



    The holding pond embankments were not stabilized and erosion rills were found within the inside banks of the holding ponds. Stabilization of the embankments needs to occur to 1) prevent sediment from entering the holding ponds which may decrease the capacity of the holding ponds, and 2) ensure the integrity of the holding ponds are maintained. Please see Photographs 1 and 2.

     The maps in the Nutrient Management Plan (NMP) do not correctly identify the land application areas.

    Specifically, there are sections of Fields 12 and 16 that are identified as application areas; however, land use contracts are not available. You did indicate you were aware of the errors and were in the process of generating new land application maps, and those sites were not being applied to. Please provide those updated maps or a date when those will be completed in your response.

     Your NMP indicates there are 630.7 available acres to land apply to. However, that includes Field 5 that was previously mentioned in the June 23, 2013 inspection report and has been removed as an application field, as well as Fields 12 and 16 which must be revised. Please revise the NMP to reflect the total acres available for application. The highlighted areas in the attached site maps indicate the approximate areas that are outlined in your NMP as application sites but are ones you do not possess land use contract for.

     At the time of the inspection you could not verify the exact number of swine on site that were above 55 lbs. and below 55 lbs. On January 27, 2014 you confirmed there were 2,499 sows (> 55 lbs.) and 700 nursery pigs (< 55 lbs.) on site. Your NMP states there will be no more than 2,500 swine (> 55 lbs.) and 4,000 swine (< 55 lbs.) on site. Please ensure you are maintaining an actual head count at all times so you do not exceed the given number of swine.




    As a reminder, per Part 3.2.4 of your permit your annual report is due to the Department by January 31, 2014.

    Per Section B.3.c.4 of your NMP, soil samples for Nitrate-N and Phosphorus shall be taken no less than annually. This differs from Part of your permit. Please ensure you continue to abide by the requirement of your NMP.

     At the time you indicated land application is only occurring by use of the vac tanker which coincides with your application records. Per Section M of your NMP, please ensure you only use a vac tanker on fields 1-4 and 10-17, and only use the pipeline/sprinkler system on Fields 5-9. Your NMP will need to be revised if you wish to use both practices to apply on a given field.

     A review of your application records indicated a rating of "Fair" for Field 17. When asked, you indicated the field was a "little soft" and this was noticed once you began applying and ruts from the equipment formed.

    However, you indicated you took appropriate action and immediately ceased application. Please see Photograph 3.

     The Holding Pond Level was below Must Pumpdown elevation. The level of Holding Pond 1 was low enough so that waste was not flowing over the spillway.

     Mortalities are promptly disposed of in the two incinerators that are on site. Please see Photograph 4.

    At the time of the investigation we did not note any violations pertaining to your application practices. You indicated you have implemented more stringent buffer and setback requirements than are documented in the permit.


    INSPECTOR’S SIGNATURE: Jason Bolenbaugh






  • 29 Jan 2014 6:47 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Brahana Talks
    Mike Masterson- Democrat-Gazette, January 28, 2014

    Former UA geoscience professor John Van Brahana last week addressed the state Pollution Control and Ecology Commission about the need to protect the Buffalo National River's watershed. This political body oversees the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality (cough).

    Brahana has invested large amounts of personal time, resources and energy into voluntarily conducting water-quality testings around the controversial C & H Hog Farms at Mt. Judea that was quietly and quickly permitted by the Department of Environmental Quality. He and students have been baseline testing around the factory, critical preliminary studies that I believe should have been required of the factory and its supplier, Cargill Inc.

    "We had an eventful meeting in Little Rock. I was able to speak to the commission for the first time. We requested a temporary moratorium. We requested that the general permit be completely revised and I requested that my dye-tracing permit be approved after being tied up since early November (actually, since last summer)," said Brahana.

    Let's hope the commission listens to Brahana, whose only agenda is preserving the water quality of the country's first national river.
  • 23 Jan 2014 4:42 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Eureka Springs Independent

    Exploring Cargill statement
    ESI Staff
    Wednesday, January 22, 2014

    In response to Mike Martin, Cargill director of communications, [Jan. 8 Independent].
    I have searched ADEQ’s website and other documents finding that in 1992 Randy Young, executive director of Arkansas Soil and Water Conservation Commission, initiated a study of confined animal operations in the Buffalo River Watershed. Confined animal operations were viewed as one of the greatest potential contributors of bacteria and nutrients in the watershed. The project concentrated on swine operations that the Arkansas Department of Pollution Control & Ecology considered as the more eminent threat to the water quality of the Buffalo River.
    At the time of the project there were 11 permitted hog facilities. Nine of the farms were on the southern edge of the watershed high on the sandstone and shale formation of the Atoka and Bloyd Formation, around 2000 ft. elevation. Two were near but outside the watershed, also high in elevation. There were a total of 3,094 sows in 1994.
    C & H Hog Farms is located in the recharge zone of the Springfield Aquifer and isolates 2,500 sows at an approximate elevation of 900 ft. There are three other permitted hog farms in or near the Buffalo River watershed for a combined number of sows at 3,525. The other three farms are located in the Atoka and Bloyd formations on the southern edge of the watershed, high in elevation.
    The Agricultural Statistics Board, NASS USDA, shows that in 1990, on average, a sow produced 13 pigs per breeding animal per year, in 2008 the average pigs per breeding animal increased to 18.7 per year. In 2013 a sow produced 9.90-10.20 pigs per litter in a large operation like C & H’s.
    C & H Hog Farms has the largest concentration of sows in one location in the Buffalo River watershed, it is the only facility ever permitted in the Springfield Aquifer; it has larger amounts of waste per animal due to sow size and litter numbers per sow than 1990 according to statistics; it is spreading untreated manure on fields that have very shallow soils with porous rock outcrops in the middle of winter and the facility itself is within ½ mile of a school and town. The facility is .4 of a mile from Big Creek.
    Once there were 11 family jobs now there are four family jobs.
    I urge everyone to please speak out. The air we breathe and the water we drink are the basic elements in our everyday lives. We are the ones to do something to insure our future generations the same values we have known. We have the education and the research has been done, it is time to acknowledge that we make a difference.
    Carol Bitting Marble Falls
  • 22 Jan 2014 8:48 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Hog issue complex?
    By Mike Masterson
    Posted: January 21, 2014 at 2:45 a.m.

    Two avid supporters of the Buffalo National River in Newton County recently sent their concerns to state legislators.

    They asked the representatives to do everything possible to prevent the potential pollution of the treasured stream by C&H Hog Farms. That’s the deeply controversial hog factory that the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality (cough) wrongheadedly permitted along a major tributary of the Buffalo.

    Patti Kent, a Newton County property owner, and Pam Fowler of Jasper also were asking what can be done legislatively to stop the possibility of hog waste polluting our river as it has in water bodies in other states such as North Carolina. The hog factory (supplied and supported by Cargill Inc. at the hamlet of Mount Judea) is spread across 600 acres, much of which is widely underlain by fractured subsurface terrain called karst.

    This mountainous limestone topography allows subterranean groundwater to rapidly flow through cracks and caves for miles into nearby streams. That means Big Creek, which is adjacent to or near the fields to be sprayed with C&H waste routinely drawn from two large lagoons, could well be threatened by contamination. Big Creek flows into the Buffalo National River about six miles downstream.

    Two legislators’ responses cite a need for balance in resolving what they contend is a complex matter. Fowler included a photograph with her message to one legislator that shows a large highway billboard on U.S. 65 near Western Grove which shouts: “Come Enjoy the Buffalo River. It’s Not Polluted … Yet!”

    Here (edited for space) are responses the women say they received: From Rep. Kelley Linck, R-Yellville: ”If I understand your thoughts correctly … you don’t believe this is a complicated issue at all. You believe that the only right solution is to do away with C&H Farm. There’s no possible way to pass legislation that makes C&H Farm illegal and mandate its removal. I’d be shocked if that legislation were to receive better than 2 votes out of the 135 legislators. Truthfully, I’d be shocked to see it receive a single vote.Do you think [you] can muster enough lobby support to move 50 percent of the Legislature to do something that currently zero percent supports? It cannot … happen. We will all continue to work for the best possible outcome in a situation none of us wanted to be in. … We will also work to not get caught in the same or similar situations in the future.” From Rep. Greg Leding, D-Fayetteville: “I can assure you we’re working to do what we can to ensure the continued protection of the Buffalo River and other extraordinary watershed resources. The current situation involving C&H is a complex one that, unfortunately, we learned about too late. It’s my sincere hope that the issue is settled in a way that’s fair to all parties and safe for our state’s water and air quality. Looking ahead, I believe there must be a balance between our ecological and agricultural concerns. We’ve got a beautiful state, and tourism is vital to our economy. But our state also plays a key role in feeding millions of people and agriculture’s just as critical to our state’s economic health. Making sure we find that fair balance is no easy task but one to which I’m committed. As to current efforts, I spoke with ADEQ this week. We should learn within days the full recommendations made by a panel we put together through the legislation passed at the end of last year’s legislative session. These recommendations should increase public notification requirements for future projects, allowing concerned parties to voice their concerns much earlier in the process. It’s a small step, but a step forward.”

    I emailed the legislators about their responses but didn’t hear so much as an oink in reply by my deadline.

    My response is that while there’s certainly no question that we humans need food to survive, unelected me sees nothing complex in legislating that hogs be mass-produced only in areas of Arkansas that don’t pose what scientists and others contend presents a clear danger to our state’s only national river. As to seeking “balance,” even I could not have found a more inappropriate and controversial place to embed up to 6,500 hogs. Where does anyone other than lobbyists for agriculture find balance in this worst possible location?

    Matters became even less balanced after I learned the director of our state’s Department of Environmental Quality admitted to not realizing her agency had issued the factory’s permit in this hypersensitive watershed until it was approved. Neither the agency’s local office in nearby Jasper nor the National Park Service in Harrison were informed this factory was being permitted.

    Simply put, this supposedly “complex” factory should never have been allowed in such a sensitive location, especially by the alleged guardians of our environmental quality. In fact, count me among those who remain surprised that the agency director still holds her political position, considering the way her agency so badly mishandled what amounted to an accommodation that (all complexities and balance aside) benefited Cargill and one family contrasted with a flagrantly unacceptable risk to a state’s national treasure.

    Mike Masterson’s column appears regularly in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette. Email him atmikemasterson10@hotmail.com. Read his blog at mikemastersonsmessenger.com.

    Editorial, Pages 11 on 01/21/2014

  • 20 Jan 2014 5:32 PM | Anonymous
    Friday, January 24, 2014
    9:00 a.m.


    (Item #03)

    I.     Call Meeting to Order - 9:00 a.m.                         

    II.     Roll Call

    III.     Approval of October 25, 2013, Commission Meeting           (Item #04)

    IV.     Department Reports
    A.     Director’s Report

    B.     Status of Regulations Monthly Report               (Item #50)

    C.     Division Permit Reports                              (Items #51-64)

    V.          Public Comments

    VI.     Commission Reports
    A.     Chair Lynn Sickel
    1.     Proposed Commission Meeting Dates-2014          APPENDIX I
    -     Minute Order (Adopt)                         (Items #05)

    2.     Stipends 2014                                   APPENDIX II
    -     Minute Order (Adopt)                         (Items #06)

    B.     Regulations Committee – Randy Young
                   1. Regulation No. 11, Regulations for Solid      APPENDIX III
                   Waste Disposal Fees; Landfill Post-Closure Trust     (Items #07-14)
                   Fund; and Recycling Grants Program
                        - Docket No. 13-011-R                              
                        - Lesley Morgan for Arkansas Department of
                         Environmental Quality
         - Minute Order (Initiate)

    2. Regulation No. 12, Storage Tank               APPENDIX IV
         - Docket No. 14-001-R                         (Item #15-21)
         - Lorielle Gutting for Arkansas Department
         Of Environmental Quality
         - Minute Order (Initiate)
    3. Regulation No. 15, Arkansas Open-Cut          APPENDIX V
    Mining and Reclamation Regulation               (Item #22-27)
         - Docket No. 13-008-R
         - James Stephens for Arkansas Department
         Of Environmental Quality
         - Minute Order (Adopt)

              C. Minerals Subcommittee Report                         APPENDIX VI
                   - Commissioner Simpson                         (Items #28-29)

    VII. In the Matter of City of Wynne-Denial of Temporary     APPENDIX VII
              Variance                                             (Items #30-33)
    -     Docket No. 13-010-MISC                              
    -     Notice of Denial of Temporary Variance
    -     Minute Order (Adopt)

    VIII. In the Matter of Tyson Foods, Inc.-Waldron Plant          APPENDIX VIII
    - Docket No. 13-008-MISC                    (Items #34-35)
    -     Motion to Reopen Docket and to Rescind
    Stay Order
    -     Minute Order (Adopt)

    IX.     In the Matter of Big River Steel, LLC                    APPENDIX IX
              - Docket No. 13-006-P                              (Items #36-40)
                   - Motion for Partial Relief from Stay               
                        - John F. Peiserich for Big River Steel,
                        - Minute Order (Adopt)
                   - Response to Motion for Partial Relief from
                        - David K. Taggart for Nucor Corporation and
                        Nucor-Yamato Steel Company
    -     Minute Order (Deny)

    X.     Administrative Law Judge – Charles Moulton
         A.      Recommended Decision
    1. In the Matter of Saddlebock Brewing LLC          APPENDIX X
    - Docket No. 13-002-P                    (Items #41-42)
    -     Recommended Decision (Order No. 7)
    -     Minute Order (Adopt)

    2. In the Matter of Street & Performance, Inc.     APPENDIX XI
    - Docket No. 12-017-NOV                    (Items #43-46)
         - Recommended Decision (Order No. 8)
         - Request for Oral Argument
              - John Peiserich for Street &
              Performance, Inc.
         - Minute Order (Deny)
         - Minute Order (Adopt)

    B.      Settled Cases per Regulation No. 8
         1. In the Matter of American Composting,          APPENDIX XII
         Inc.                                             (Items #47)
              - Docket No. 12-014-NOV

    2. In the Matter of Blue Steel Investments,     APPENDIX XIII
    LLC.                                             (Items #48)
    -     Docket No. 13-005-NOV                                                  
    XI.     Annual Case Report                                   APPENDIX XIV
                                                                (Item #49)

    XII. Regulation No. 2, Minerals Power Point Presentation     
    -     Ryan Benefield

    XIII.     Adjour