• 24 Jun 2016 11:14 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    KUAR Public Radio (Click to Listen)

    Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality to Oversee New Hog Farm Testing 

    By ALDEN WALTERS  JUN 24, 2016

    The Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality announced that it will oversee new testing of an industrial hog farm near the Buffalo River. The new studies will collect data about materials lining waste storage ponds at the farm.

    The C&H Hog Farm has been criticized by a number of environmental and conservation groups as a pollution threat to the Buffalo River. Efforts to collect data to back up these claims have been met with mixed feelings. State Representative David Branscum says that the University of Arkansas’ Big Creek Research and Extension Team is already studying the farm intensely.

    “We have worked hard about having this… the [University of Arkansas] do this study. It’s a five-year, comprehensive study on pollution—if there is any,” says Branscum. “I’m sure it’s the most in-depth study of a CAFO [Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation] that’s ever been conducted in the United States.”

    But the Big Creek research has been questioned by activists. In part because of this, the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality has decided to begin third-party supplemental studies of the farm, says Director Becky Keogh.

    “It was really to seek some additional information that could hopefully address some of the questions that were raised by some of the community interest groups, and would be a natural follow-up to the study that was conducted through the work that the University of Arkansas research team is advancing,” says Keogh.

    Gordon Watkins, President of the Buffalo River Watershed Alliance, is hopeful that the new tests will include wider input from activists.

    “It’s going to be significant where they choose to do those investigations, and how they do them, and how they’re interpreted and we—we hope that they will be open and transparent and inclusive in how they makes those decisions going forward,” says Watkins.

    The new studies will be done in collaboration with university research, but they will be overseen by the Department of Environmental Quality. 

  • 24 Jun 2016 11:09 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    ADEQ: Independent evaluation to be conducted at hog farm

    By John Lyon
    Arkansas News Bureau

    LITTLE ROCK — The Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality will hire independent experts to study the liner integrity of manure ponds at a hog farm in the Buffalo National River watershed, ADEQ director Becky Keogh told the state Pollution Control and Ecology Commission on Friday.

    The study at C&H Hog Farms in Mount Judea will involve drilling in the watershed and is expected to be conducted within the next 60 to 90 days, Keogh said.

    She said the results will add to information that already has been collected by the Big Creek Research and Extension Team, or BCRET, which operates out of the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture and is conducting a five-year study of C&H’s impact on the local environment.

    “This evaluation will be done in an open and transparent manner and is part of our statutory authority to conduct investigations and studies needed to gather data and information in the administration or enforcement of our laws,” Keogh told the commission.

    Andrew Sharpley, a UA professor and member of BCRET, told the commission that to date the team has found no consistent evidence of higher levels of E. coli bacteria downstream from C&H than upstream of it.

    “We don’t see any scientific evidence at the moment that those ponds are leaking or that there’s a massive leakage of manure from them,” he said.

    The Buffalo River Coalition, which includes several groups seeking to protect the Buffalo National River from pollution, applauded ADEQ’s decision to bring in independent experts to conduct further testing.

    “This is the first step in proving or disproving whether there is a release that could be disastrous to the Buffalo River,” Richard Mays, attorney for the coalition, said in a news conference after the meeting.

    Gordon Watkins, president of the Buffalo River Watershed Alliance, one of the groups in the coalition, said the UA System’s Division of Agriculture seeks to assist farmers, but BCRET is supposed to monitor C&H’s environmental impact.

    “Those two things, they’re not necessarily incompatible, but they are in conflict to some degree,” Watkins said. “You can’t assist on one hand while monitoring for potential negative impacts on the other without putting yourself in a position of some compromise. So I think that if that’s the situation here, that it’s important that there be some outside, independent, unconnected, unbiased researchers that are specialists in this particular field who are actually overseeing the testing that goes on to avoid that conflict.”

    Mays said he believed the decision to bring in independent experts would not have happened if the coalition had not obtained, through Freedom of Information Act requests, emails between researchers that ADEQ had not previously seen. The emails suggested a “cozy” relationship between BCRET and the owners of C&H and included a reference to “a major fracture and movement of waste,” he said.

    ADEQ spokeswoman Kelly Robinson said Friday she did not know how big a role the coalition’s involvement played in the decision, but she said, “We do try to listen to what people have to say.”

  • 21 Jun 2016 7:10 AM | Anonymous member


    Feedback keeps streaming in about that hog factory at Mount Judea. I'd asked readers if they were bored with the controversy. Here are edited examples of only a few responses from across Arkansas:

    Wincie says--"I've written previously about the possibility of turning our beautiful, national river into a 'Hog Wallow.' I commend you for continuing to 'stir the pot' about the C&H Hog Farm that sits so perilously close to the Buffalo River. [Many] have been aware of the findings of Todd Halihan and have been holding onto those findings ... Has this been a case of dollars changing hands? Political tradeoff? Stir harder! What a shame to ruin one of the state's gems for our citizens and tourism industry. Do those in the political arena get to act with impunity?"

    Bill writes--"I fully support your efforts to preserve the Buffalo. It's a priceless Arkansas and national treasure ... This 'treasure' extends far outside the Arkansas borders and must be preserved ... Could there not be test drilling ... that could prove leakage? How can we 'prove' leakage is occurring or will occur? With proof, it would be much easier to insist on state action."

    From Mary Cole--"Thanks for your columns about this atrocity in our state. For the 'powers that be' to have allowed this to happen to this beautiful river should be held accountable and fix this mess before it becomes a total catastrophe."

    Dottie writes--"Thanks for the sustained effort you've put into keeping people aware of the need to shut down [C&H]. Americans have such out-of-sight, out-of-mind mentalities. I always turn to your page with hopes you haven't given up on this stinky subject ... I love your reference to Governor Beebe's quote that he regretted something wasn't done about it on his watch. Carry on ... There are many reading your articles and cheering for you and the Buffalo! Maybe like me, they just hadn't spoken up yet."

    From Patti--"It's very clear neither [the Department of Environmental Quality], the governor's office nor the regional EPA office is interested in preserving the Buffalo National River. They would like you and all of the thousands of citizens in Arkansas who are passionate about saving the river from thousands of gallons of polluting hog waste to go away. We're not going away! Anyone who thinks this is a boring subject addles my brain! They apparently don't care about the environment, clean water, or big corporations (Big Ag) taking over our country for monetary gains that benefit them. [C&H] employs less than 10 people. Hundreds of jobs in Newton County are at stake when the Buffalo National River becomes too polluted for recreation. This is no anti-farm issue. Many of us came from farm backgrounds."

    Grace says--"Please never give up writing on one of the worst scenarios ever to be allowed in our state. It is inevitable the waste is, or soon will be, in the waters of the Buffalo River ... Don't ever give up on something this important that you believe in."

    Van writes--"Thanks sincerely from the many citizens of our state and country for continuing to write about the hog factory on Big Creek, a major tributary of the Buffalo National River. You serve as a key voice in sharing facts about this 'demonstration farm.' in an environment where lobbyists, special interests and numerous highly paid individuals manipulate information and confuse the issue for many without access to all the factual data. This is indeed a national story rife with meaningful questions of politics, economic gain at the expense of the taxpayers, open discussion of a controversial problem, environmental justice and ethical and fair treatment of most stakeholders ... Thank you for your long-range vision and eloquent way of sharing facts with readers."

    Joe said--"Maybe someone out there is bored by this discussion, but it's certainly not me. In his 1992 book, The Battle for the Buffalo River, Dr. Neil Compton predicted while several battles were won--stopping the dams, creating the park--the future would hold many additional battles since most of the Buffalo watershed is privately owned and some private owners may not have ecological integrity of the river as priority. None of this is boring, unless a person thinks none of this is a potentially huge problem for our futures and all the attention to hog waste seeping into the watershed is imaginary ... I know karst and have seen many Ozark ponds that either didn't hold water or just seep and seep. Dr. Compton in his book's epilogue says: 'A protective attitude by human inhabitants for the entire watershed of the Buffalo River will be mandatory if it is to survive as a beautiful clearwater stream of national significance. That will mean restrictions on industry and certain types of agriculture in the area. Such modalities we must learn to accept and live with if there be places on this earth where our descendants can know and understand the wonders of creation.'"

  • 17 Jun 2016 12:40 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Arkansas Times

    Looking ahead on Buffalo River protection

    Posted By Max Brantley on Fri, Jun 17, 2016 at 11:54 AM

    Next week could be a big week in the ongoing fight to protect the Buffalo River from pollution from a factory hog feeding operation in Mount Judea next to a major tributary to the river.

    Tests so far have indicated potential leakage of hog waste into the porous ground below and, thus perhaps, it poses a threat to migrate into the waterways. The 6,500-swine feeding operation produces waste equivalent to that of a city of 30,000, critics contend.

    Next week, the Arkansas Pollution Control and Ecology Commission will hear from the research team funded by then-Gov. Mike Beebe to study the issue. The question, as put by the Buffalo River Coalition working to protect the river: whether it will conduct further investigation into whether a “major fracture and movement of waste” exists beneath the waste ponds at the C&H Hog Farms in Mt. Judea.

    The Coalition has a press conference after the Commission meeting. They fear, I believe, that agricultural industry pressure will discourage the research team from further investigation.  Said the coalition:

    The BRC will respond to BCRET’s presentation at the meeting, and comment on the importance of conducting exploratory drilling that would definitively confirm or disprove results of Electrical Resistivity Imaging (ERI) testing completed in March 2015 — results interpreted by numerous geophysical experts as possible or likely swine waste discharge and which should be further investigated. These testing results were brought to light through emails obtained by the BRC through the Freedom of Information Act.
    The Commission meets next Friday at the North Little Rock offices of the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality. Meeting details here.
  • 09 Jun 2016 12:34 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Who is protecting us

    Hog wash!

    You may ask, "Why hasn't the U of A Division of Agriculture's Big Creek Research Extension Team reported or confirmed that hog-waste cesspools are leaking at C&H Hog Farms?"

    Like me, maybe you thought they're there to safeguard the Buffalo National River, or that they are there monitoring the runoff and groundwater for the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality.

    The published mission statement of the Big Creek team is "demonstrating and monitoring the sustainable management of nutrients on C&H Farm in Big Creek Watershed."

    The mission statement of the Division of Agriculture mentions that it is to "ensure a safe, nutritious food supply," and ends with "and strengthen Arkansas families."

    But our Department of Environmental Quality proclaims, "We protect, enhance and restore the natural environment for the well-being of all Arkansans."

    So only the Department of Environmental Quality is protecting us neighbors. How is that working out for you?

    Don't feel safe? You think Governor Hutchinson will come to the rescue? Why do you think so?


    Save the Buffalo River

    Praise for Mike Masterson! Let him continue writing about the Buffalo River and possibly save it from ruin by a truly stinking corporation. The public should wake up and smell the pig feces and its owners.


    Complacency in state

    It is clear to me that nobody who has the power to do anything wants to take responsibility for the pollution threatening the Buffalo National River by the C&H hog facility in Newton County. The state Department of Environmental Quality, the governor, and the EPA regional office have been unresponsive to any scientific knowledge that this facility was ill-placed on karst topography or that recent imaging has raised alarm that large amounts of hog waste is likely present under the lagoons. It seems this fact was actually omitted in pertinent published reports by the team from the University of Arkansas tasked with using our tax money to monitor the river's pollution from the hog facility.

    It is difficult to ascertain what its mission really is. Perhaps the mission statement has changed. It appears that its findings do not accurately reflect the entirety of the environmental impact that the thousands of gallons of untreated hog waste have on the Buffalo National River.

    Perhaps we are getting too complacent about how our tax dollars are used in Arkansas.


    Issue will not go away

    Perhaps if you tell your readers to Google "Buffalo River hog farm protest" they will see why there is a big stink on the Buffalo. This is an issue that will not go away.



  • 08 Jun 2016 11:50 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Lovely County Citizen 

    Letter to Editor


    Every day we see vehicles laden with canoes and kayaks destined for the Buffalo River. They spend time (and money) in Eureka Springs because of the loveliness of this place and we're on the way to the loveliness of that. 

    So to think it's OK to build hog factories in the watershed of the Buffalo River viewed from the standpoint of our local tourist economy would be raw stupidity of the first order. The National Park Service statistics indicate that 1.6 million guests visit the Buffalo National River each year, contributing over $62 million to the local economy. How much of that money is actually spent in Eureka Springs is hard to measure, but when looking at the bottom line, to lose any amount of money from our local economy simply because the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) feels it's OK to allow a hog factory on a major tributary of the Buffalo National River is dead wrong. 

    One thing that we learned from our Save the Ozarks experience is that bureaucratic agencies and the corporations they are supposed to regulate are cozy with each other like they wake up in the same bed. And bureaucrats in one agency, whether state or federal, are extremely hesitant to interfere with the decisions made by other agencies' bureaucrats unless they are challenged by the people to do so. 

    The Citizen's Guide to the National Environmental Policy Act insists that governmental agencies are empowered to enforce the law, and stand up for citizens' rights to such things as clean water, when the people stand up and take action in protection of their own rights. 

    Last week, I called the governor's office to ask them to close the hog farm. I was shuffled off to the voicemail of the man in charge of veterans affairs who then did not return my call. But I'll try again, and I hope you will, too. The phone number for Governor Asa Hutchinson's office is: (501) 682-2345 -- Doug Stowe

  • 04 Jun 2016 11:14 AM | Anonymous member

    Power Line, Hog Farm Similar

    About three years ago, AEP/SWEPCO attempted to get regulatory approval to build a massive extra-high-voltage power line through the National Military Park at Pea Ridge, along the White River in Carroll County and through the outskirts of Eureka Springs. The proposal brought a huge outpouring of opposition, and the unfortunate proposal was ultimately withdrawn by the power company after local activists in Eureka Springs, banning together as "Save the Ozarks," proved it wasn't needed in the first place.

    That power line would have permanently bisected two portions of the national battlefield and would have damaged that tourist treasure. It also would have slashed an ugly scar across the beautiful landscape of Eureka Springs, one of our state's most valued tourist resources.

    There are interesting parallels between the struggles to stop the continued pollution of the Buffalo National River by the notorious C&H Hog Farms, and the efforts that successfully stopped the almost equally notorious SWEPCO power line, one thoughtlessly proposed route of which would have passed in clear view of Thorncrown Chapel, one of the world's most valued architectural treasures.

    First of all, both proposals, the hog factory and the power line, were put forth in a thoughtless and irresponsible manner. Secondly, both the power line and hog factory offered direct damages to properties owned by the National Park Service. The National Park Service in both cases expressed strong opposition in the form of letters written to state regulatory agencies, and in both cases received no direct response. The letters from the National Park Service are too compelling to ignore and offer direct scientific evidence of damage to water quality in the park.

    I have been (privately) assured that the National Park Service and the state Department of Environmental Quality are meeting privately about coming to some form of resolution of the issue, and it is my sincere hope that "resolution" involves the immediate removal of the hog factory from the tributary waters of the Buffalo National River.

    The Clean Water Act and the National Environmental Policy Act are both threatened by failure of enforcement of prudent regulations in this case.

    According to the Environmental Policy Act guide for citizen involvement, the only way governmental agencies are given the strength to protect public interest is when the public is involved. Save the Ozarks learned that lesson the hard way, by having to raise $150,000 in legal fees and fighting the power line relentlessly on every front. Nearly every citizen in Eureka Springs was involved in some way to make our community's point known.

    What is called for in this situation is that we all make our support for the preservation of the Buffalo River National Park clear. Some may care about free-flowing streams in which visitors may safely bathe and partake of the splendors of the "Natural State." Let your concerns lead you to action, please.

    Others may be concerned about the loss of economic value. The hog factory may offer some small benefit to the economy of Arkansas. But how can its small impact measure up to the $62 million spent here in the Natural State by the 1.5 million annual visitors to the Buffalo River National Park? Pollution from the hog factory placed in the watershed of our nation's first national river puts the entire tourist economy at risk, even here in the very northwest corner of the state.

    Again, let your concerns lead you to act.

    I am not asking for anything unreasonable in asking for the hog factory to be closed and removed.

    The hog factory is very likely in violation of the Clean Water Act. Research has proven it imperils one of the primary tributaries of the Buffalo River through runoff from manure application fields. Strong evidence from dye-tracing leads researchers to believe ongoing groundwater contamination from the storage lagoons and field application of manure leads to the Buffalo River.

    Please call Gov. Asa Hutchinson's office and demand that the hog factory be relocated far, far from the natural state.


    Doug Stowe is vice president of Save the Ozarks. In 2009 he was named an Arkansas Living Treasure by the Arkansas Department of Heritage and the Arkansas Arts Council.

    Editorial on 06/04/2016

  • 04 Jun 2016 7:45 AM | Anonymous member


    The Arkansas Pollution Control and Ecology Commission in three weeks will hear the Big Creek Research and Extension Team attempt to rationalize why it feels no need to verify whether the wet substance discovered by electrical resistivity studies directly beneath a swine waste lagoon at C&H Hog Farms is indeed raw waste leaking through a major fracture into the groundwater.

    It's inconceivable that the Big Creek team (the governor-appointed, tax-funded University of Arkansas Agriculture Division group responsible for ensuring this factory isn't leaking waste into our Buffalo National River watershed) doesn't insist on drilling a well to verify the studies that documented the plumes of highly suspicious material beneath the lagoon.

    Has denial become a preferred scientific approach for watchdogs?

    The commission meeting is scheduled for June 24 at the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality (cough) headquarters in Little Rock. You might want to attend. Geologist Todd Halihan of Oklahoma State University discovered what appears to be leaking and a significant fracture directly beneath one of two raw waste lagoons in March 2015. However, both the state agency and the commission responsible for environmental protection supposedly knew nothing of his findings until the Buffalo River Watershed Alliance disclosed them during a commission meeting last month.

    Arkansans wonder why no one except the team knew of the findings. In October, Tim Kresse, a veteran water quality specialist with the U.S. Geological Survey and Big Creek team member, sent an email to Andrew Sharpley, the team leader, saying: "I did chat with Todd ... some about the pond results ... In short, it would be nice to put a well on the west side in the vicinity of where Todd believed he saw a major fracture and movement of waste. This could be critical to resolving the interpretation of the resistivity data. Todd would be willing to assist on getting the drilling done for free. I just don't know how the amount of grief or worry this would cause in lieu of all the activity at the farm, but again I believe it is a critical component. Todd is fairly confident of his interpretation. Thoughts?"

    My thoughts: Lots of taxpaying Arkansans are rightfully curious and worried over what's beneath the lagoon.

  • 01 Jun 2016 7:20 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Eureka Springs Independent

    Independent Guestatorial: Ridding Northwest Arkansas of rats

    June 1, 2016


    We feel sympathy for Gov. Asa Hutchinson whose private office next to the Governor’s Mansion has suffered a rat infestation so bad the governor is unable to use the office. Major renovations removing walls, beams and insulation are necessary. A reporter who visited recently said although the rats have been killed, rat urine can still be smelled in the governor’s private office.

    Governor, we understand you not wanting to work in an office that stinks of rat urine, but how about waking up to the smell of pig poop if you live near the C&H hog factory located near the Buffalo National River? Despite a major public outcry, including many citizens writing to the governor and the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality, and despite costly citizen-funded legal challenges, the state has failed to protect the people and environment in the vicinity of the 6,500-head hog factory. In fact, the research group receiving state tax money that is supposed to be evaluating the impacts of the hog factory is so dominated by Big Ag interests that it has refused to allow drilling underneath the hog waste lagoons even with scientific evidence suggesting that the lagoons are leaking waste.

    The governor gets major credit for being one of the very few Red State Republicans who has been successful helping low-income people have access to health insurance coverage through an expansion of the state’s Medicaid program. Hutchinson deserves credit for calling a special session and using a unique legislative strategy to preserve not just health care coverage, but a huge positive impact on the state budget and the health of the state’s hospitals and other healthcare providers.

    Parallels can be drawn between the success keeping the Medicaid expansion and the battle against the hog factory near the Buffalo. It made no fiscal sense to turn down $1 billion per year in federal money for the Medicaid expansion. And it makes no fiscal sense to allow one hog factory that employs only seven people to endanger the top outdoor recreational area in the Natural State responsible for 900 jobs, an estimated 1.4 million visitors per year and an economic impact of $57 million.

    While the governor gets the rats under control in his private office next to the mansion, how about thinking about those in Northwest Arkansas who have to breathe in sickening fumes from the C&H hog factory? When it comes to protecting other’s from animal wastes, the governor and the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality have been missing in action.

    If you think rat urine stinks, try hog waste. Imagine not being able to open your windows or work outdoor because the smell turns your stomach. Or being unable to visit the cemetery where your ancestors are buried because the air is so foul. Or human and animal illnesses that weren’t a problem before the hog factory surfacing causing great concern. Those are just some of the impacts believed to be linked to dumping millions of gallons of untreated hog waste in a karst area where the ground is riddled with holes that allow for quick transport of surface wastes to underground water supplies.       

    Recently, musicians from Still on the Hill, Kelly and Donna Mulhollan, who are doing a CD on the Buffalo National River, were hiking to the popular Sam’s Throne overlook. But what was the awful smell? It was the unmistakable stench of hog waste.

    Like with the Medicaid expansion, it is ridiculous to put the area’s jobs and tourism economy at risk because of one hog factory that employs only seven people. And since Arkansas ponied up more than $125 million in incentives for the Big River steel mill (or the Big River steal, as some are calling it) that now appears doomed to failure because of a worldwide glut of steel and low prices, how about just buying out C&H and shutting it down? It would cost a pittance of what the state has invested in Big River steal.

    Governor, good luck with kicking the rats out of your private office. Now how about killing some “rats” in Northwest Arkansas by protecting the people and tourism economy of Northwest Arkansas by putting pressure on the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality to shut down a hog factory permitted without public notice in violation of regulatory laws.

  • 01 Jun 2016 7:16 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Eureka Springs independent

    Hog farm opponents fed up with bureaucratic apathy

    June 1, 2016

    Becky Gillette – As evidence of environmental contamination leading to human and animal health problems mounts, local opponents of the C&H 6,500-head hog factory in the Buffalo National River (BNR) watershed are fed up with the failure of state and federal regulatory agencies, and Gov. Asa Hutchinson, to act to protect people, animals and $57-million in annual tourism revenues from pathogens contained in hog waste in lagoons and spray fields.

    On May 26 the Buffalo River Watershed Alliance (BRWA), the National Parks Conservation Association and other allies held a meeting in Eureka Springs to report on the increasing evidence about how the hog factory that employs only seven people is threatening the health of wildlife, area residents and the 1.4 million annual visitors to the BNR.

    Geologist Dr. Van Brahana, who heads up a non-profit research project to access and document the water quality impacts of the hog factory, said studies have shown that groundwater in the area can move a 1,000 ft. or more per day. The flow is fast, contamination is easy and the flow direction is difficult to predict.

    BRWA and other allies challenged an environmental assessment by federal agencies that found no significant environmental impacts from the facility. The feds approved loan guarantees for the hog factory that produces as much waste as a city of 35,000 people. BRWA and its allies challenged the EA, and a federal judge required the agencies to review that assessment. In that review, the agencies found that, “There is no evidence of karst.” Brahana showed photos of the caves, sinkholes, rock formations and mapping that clearly prove the area is riddled with Swiss cheese-like rock formations that are distinct characteristics of karst.

    Opponents find it shocking the federal agencies could deny a known fact that the area’s geology easily allows ground contamination to impact underground water supplies that can surface later in the Buffalo National River and its tributaries. The waste could expose birds, fish and humans to dangerous levels of e. coli bacteria and spread nutrient pollution that can lead to oxygen deprivation, algae blooms, fish kills and other problems related to degraded water quality.

    Brahana said concerns about health of animals and humans is increasing.

    “There are multiple cases of illnesses,” Brahana said. “But all our work is for naught. They are ignoring us. What the heck is going on? Politics has run amok. We have had a huge blowback from big ag. The Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality is not doing its job. It is up to us to do something about it. Getting rich by contaminating your neighbor’s environment needs to quit.”

    Dane Schumacher, legal chair of the BRWA board of directors, said opponents have been disappointed that numerous letters and petitions to the governor, ADEQ, lawsuits, and major public advocacy campaigns have not been successful in stopping the hog waste problems.

    “We are parked now,” Schumacher said. “We have tried every option to get ADEQ to respond.”

    There is also now growing concerns that electric resistivity studies have indicated there may be significant fracture and leakage underneath hog waste lagoons in the area. But a state-funded research group dominated by pro big agriculture representatives has refused to drill underneath the lagoons to assess if they are leaking. The BRWA opposes installation of liners for the lagoons until drilling is done.

    While the primary concern is water contamination, air pollution is also a significant factor, Brahana said. Hog waste can be smelled for miles away, which also impacts the experience of visitors to the area.

    Schumacher said concerns are growing because the C&H hog factory is now in the process of applying for an EPA Region 5 permit that, if approved, would be permanent. The factory is also applying to extensively increase the number of acres where hog waste can be sprayed.

    Members of the audience, some of whom were visibly angry and outraged at the degradation of what they consider a national treasure, questioned what else could be done since the “playing nice” strategies so far have failed to bear fruit.

    “We are looking at every possible avenue,” Schumacher said, indicating the civil nuisance lawsuits are underway by people who believe their health and property values have been harmed by the hog waste.

    Pat Costner, a retired Greenpeace scientist, said that not just area residents, but the health and welfareof all visitors to the BNR are threatened by hog waste.

    “I think the BRWA and the other organizations focusing on protecting the Buffalo have done an outstanding job giving this issue a high profile,” Costner said. “They have had excellent legal strategies. But it is also clear that neither ADEQ nor the governor’s office nor the regional EPA office have been responsible or responsive. It was obvious there were breaches of regulations by ADEQ, and the governor and the EPA regional office are next line to be called out.”        

    Costner and others said nothing short of a massive public protest could right the situation. Occupying the state capital was discussed.

    Dr. Luis Contreras expressed frustration at the lack of progress, and said efforts should be focused on getting people to stop eating pork. Others spoke of a campaign to get Wal-Mart to stop selling factory-produced pork. But another member of the audience questioned how boycotting pork would work when the U.S. is exporting a lot of pork to China.

    Earlier the BRWA had a letter writing campaign to the big multinational company that was under contract to purchase pork from C&H. But Schumacher said the facility is no longer under Cargill, and is now owned by a Brazilian company.

    To take action including opposing the facility new permit application, Schumacher directed people to the website for the BRNA http://www.buffaloriveralliance.org/