Must protect our river - Letter to the Editor

15 Mar 2019 3:37 PM | Anonymous member

Must protect our river

As someone who has witnessed firsthand the precipitous degradation of the Buffalo River, I took heart when the state agency that granted the initial permit finally recognized what the experts had said from the start: The geology of the watershed was far too porous, the transmission of groundwater too rapid and unpredictable to safely contain millions of gallons of hog waste sprayed on the ground every year. Now segments of the river meet the criteria to be designated as impaired, and as such, protections should immediately be extended.

Instead, it seems some state senators down at the Capitol have been busy cooking up a scheme to pass a bill taking the permitting of liquid waste-generating CAFOs out of the hands of the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality and placing it with Arkansas Natural Resources Commission, whose commissioners lack the means to monitor operations or even much desire to do so. Under their lenient oversight, we can probably kiss any hope of a recovered Buffalo River in our lifetime goodbye.

If our state can't protect this beloved river from the power of corporate agriculture and its paid lobbyists, no river is safe. These senators were elected to represent the people's interests. Call your senator and tell him what you think about Senate Bill 550. Don't delay. The guys are in a big hurry.


Green Forest