Senator John Boozman's response to concerns about the Buffalo.

14 Nov 2018 3:58 PM | Anonymous member

Thank you for contacting me to express your concerns regarding the operation of a hog farm near the Buffalo National River.   It is good to hear from you.

I strongly support the Buffalo National River and I enjoy visiting and floating the river with my family and friends.   I support providing the resources the Park Service needs to protect the river and maintain the park as a beautiful destination enjoyed by countless Arkansans and citizens from across our country.   

Also, I was pleased to be a leading supporter of federal funding for a water project that will protect the Buffalo River by providing the resources to use Bull Shoals Lake as an alternative water source for municipal and rural community water systems in the region, instead of forcing these communities to use water from Buffalo River tributaries.

We are working hard to make sure all procedures and processes are followed when project reviews occur.   In the case of the farm you mentioned, the USDA Farm Service Agency facilitated a loan.   When federal funding, such as an agricultural loan, is involved and multiple federal and state agencies are required to review a project for legal compliance, it is very important that the agencies work together to do their job in a thorough and timely manner.   The public notification process is very important to make sure that impacted stakeholders have a voice.    This particular matter is subject to litigation.    As a member of the legislative branch, I do not interfere with ongoing judicial proceedings.    As a general rule, the agencies should provide a fair and transparent process for farmers while promoting conservation and providing commonsense environmental protection.    Please know that I will keep your thoughts in mind and will continue to support both the Buffalo River and our farmers.

Again, thank you for contacting me on this very important issue. Please be sure to sign up for our  e-newsletter to stay informed on what we're doing on behalf of Arkansans. I look forward to your continued correspondence.


John Boozman
U.S. Senator