Sign up to protect the Buffalo River -Arkansas Times

06 Mar 2018 4:55 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Arkansas Times

Sign up to protect the Buffalo River

Posted By Max Brantley on Tue, Mar 6, 2018 at 6:51 AM

    The Arkansas Citizens First Congress has an on-line petition drive fast gaining momentum to oppose industry legislative efforts to protect a factory hog feeding operation in the watershed of the Buffalo River.

    As we've written previously, the Arkansas Farm Bureau is a driving force behind legislation likely to be introduced at a coming legislative session to override the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality's decision not to extend a new permit for the C and H Hog Farm in Newton County, which fattens hogs owned by a Brazilian conglomerate to produce pork for export to China. Arkansas gets to keep millions of gallons of pig feces and urine, held in retaining ponds and spread on fields, where it has potential to migrate into the scenic Buffalo. There's a divergence of opinion on the impact of the farm on pollution.

    The petition notes that C and H is appealing the permit denial through an established process.

    Support due process. C&H applied for a new permit to operate that was denied by ADEQ. C&H is appealing the denial of the permit through the established state administrative process. Clean surface and ground water can best be protected by using sound science for evidence with public debate by all parties. The appropriate vehicle at this time is the appeal process, scheduled to be heard in August before the Arkansas Pollution Control and Ecology Commission.