The time to act is NOW. Only two days to contact legislators.

03 Mar 2018 12:03 PM | Anonymous member
Only two days to contact legislators.

Special interests are threatening to undermine ADEQ’s ability to protect clean water during the upcoming legislative special session. Call the Governor and your State Legislators today—let them know that you strongly favor protecting the Buffalo River and you want them to stand up against all efforts that would harm her. 

Legislation is now being drafted which threatens to undermine protection of the Buffalo. This legislation will be considered during the upcoming Special Session but co-sponsors may be finalized by next Monday, March 5, after which it will be difficult to defeat.  Ask your elected representatives to NOT co-sponsor any such legislation but to:

  • Support responsible agriculture.  Agriculture is a vital part of our economy and way of life as Arkansans. The Buffalo River Watershed has a strong history of family farming.However, C&H Hog Farm contracts with JBS, a Brazilian-based multinational conglomerate with a well-documented record of corruption and environmental degradation around the world.  As the crown jewel of the Natural State and an economic engine for tourism, the unique geology of the Buffalo National River Watershed  is not an appropriate location for industrial farming facilities.    
  • Support adequate resources for ADEQ. The Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality needs to have adequate funding and resources to conduct proper permitting review and transparency.  Restricting resources necessary to protect our air and water will harm all Arkansans.  
  • Support due process. C&H applied for a new permit to operate that was denied by ADEQ. C&H is appealing the denial of the permit through the established administrative process. Permitting decisions should be made by experts at the agency, and should not be interfered with midstream by legislators while the process is playing out. 

Call your state Senator and Representative and Governor Hutchinson today. Use this link to find contact information for your district representatives Zoom in on your location then click on the Senator or Repesentative shown for contact information. Call Governor Hutchinson at 501-682-2345 or email