A new courtroom battle is scheduled to start tomorrow - KY3 TV

05 Sep 2017 12:08 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Watch the full KY3-TV video: http://www.ky3.com/content/news/Hog-farm-battle-set-for-new-round-in-court-442748053.html

A new courtroom battle is scheduled to start tomorrow over a large hog farm in Newton County, Arkansas. 

We recently visited with one of the women behind the five-year-long fight. She's motivated to protect our nation's first national river. 

Carol Bitting is known as one of the three grandmas who combined forces to fight a permit that allowed a hog farm near the Buffalo National River. 

She says, "It is so vital to our well-being. It's important to our nation."

Carol moved onto her little piece of Buffalo River heaven 16 years ago. 
But, she now says, "I wouldn't get in it today."

It all turned sour five years ago with a swine operation. Carol's biggest worry isn't the pigs. It's the poop from a couple thousand animals. 

Carol says, "There are many other locations that would be suitable for a large confined animal feeding operation, but not the Buffalo River Watershed."

Just one farm there can spread up to 6 and a half million gallons of liquid animal waste each year. The stuff is spread over some 500 acres.

It does put nutrients back into the soil. The farm operator didn't answer our calls or emails for a new interview. But, he told us in 2013 they follow regulations there and love the land and water too.

Jason Henson said, "We all like to hunt and fish and we growed up in Big Creek and Buffalo."

But, Carol believes the liquid waste can quickly travel down into the thin Swiss cheese-like land in the area. She believes bad stuff will wind up lurking just below the Buffalo's surface.

Carol says, "We the people, we need to stand up and police them and let them know this is what we want. It's set aside for us and we want to protect it. If we go to the Supreme Court, we're ready."

Carol is fighting to overturn one of the permits that allows the current operation. The court hearing on September 6th is scheduled to last 2 hour