Suggestions for Asa - Letter to the Editor

24 Apr 2017 7:06 AM | Anonymous member

Suggestions for Asa

Governor Hutchinson: If you intend to allow C&H to remain near the Buffalo National River, I have a few suggestions that might save the state some money.

First off, let's fire the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality staff geologists. They apparently weren't needed when the agency processed the original permit. If a major swine operation sited in the karst geology of a national river doesn't require attention from these guys, for what other reason would we ever possibly need them?

Also, Governor, what about the department bypassing the construction permit for C&H? Some folks are saying that it wasn't legal, but since everything seemed to work out OK, let's just dissolve the Department of Environmental Quality altogether. We could sell that nice office building to someone who could get some good out of it. And in regard to the Big Creek Research and Extension Team study, I'll bet we could just hand that off to Farm Bureau. It seems those guys are calling the shots anyway. I suspect they will run it for free, plus I'm thinking that Farm Bureau will likely meet your personal "sound science" standards.

We're saving lots of money here, Governor, but those nasty algae blooms certainly aren't going to improve any. We need to rebrand those things so maybe the tourists won't catch on. Perhaps something less emotional. How about "Asa Blooms"?

