NC Hog Pollution Protection Bill Heads to Governor’s Desk

10 Apr 2017 7:04 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Sad news for citizens of North Carolina.

From the Rachel Carson Council 

BREAKING!! Hog Pollution Protection Bill
Heads to Governor’s Desk

Sign here to tell
Governor Roy Cooper (D-NC) to VETO it!!

Your efforts helped get bi-partisan opposition to HB 467 that protects the industrial hog industry and limits citizens’ rights to sue for damages to their homes from hog waste and pollution. We got large protests at the Capitol and good media coverage. But, we fell short. And passage of the Senate version is virtually certain.

HB467/S460 will soon head to Governor Roy Cooper’s desk for signature into law. Gov. Cooper is our last hope to stop this giveaway to big pork. Sign our new petition directly to him here: Tell Gov. Cooper he MUST VETO this outrageous bill that limits the rights of citizens to protect their homes – a bill that harms poor and minority North Carolinians the most.

Then forward our petition to friends, colleagues, and neighbors, everyone you know! This bill is an assault on environmental justice and on the fundamental freedoms of all Americans, not just North Carolinians.

We MUST make our voices heard:

After you sign (and personal comments help), call Governor Cooper’s office directly at 919-814-2000 to share your opposition and say that you will be looking for his VETO!!