Beebe Calls for Inspections and Possibility of Legislation for Hog Farm on Buffalo River

19 Aug 2013 3:04 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
Beebe Calls for Inspections and Possibility of Legislation for Hog Farm on Buffalo River
UALR Public Radio
Governor Beebe's Weekly Radio Address

Buffalo National River
The newly built C&H Hog Farm near the Buffalo River may be getting additional water quality inspections. Governor Mike Beebe says he wants to use $250,000 of surplus money to have the University of Arkansas monitor potential waste run-off from the farm.

The operation is the first Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation in the state. In his weekly radio address, Beebe said the unique designation of a national river requires extra protections.

“I recognize that the stakes are especially high when the Buffalo River is involved. There may be future legislation involved to address this specific issue. For the immediate future I expect that this extra monitoring will put minds at ease and ensure that America’s first National River will always be protected and preserved.”

Beebe said this is an extraordinary step not necessary for other farms.

“I chose this action for two reasons. First, we all share the desire to preserve the pristine nature of the Buffalo River. In addition, this hog farm is the first in the state to receive what is called a CAFO, or concentrated animal feeding operation permit.”

Beebe will be asking the Legislative Council in November for funds to be used by the University of Arkansas for increased monitoring.

The Governor says if the results show harm, the state could take action, including a cease and desist order.